Fish Photo Album

Hey Folks -

I got to thinking about all the neat photos of fish that have been posted in recent months - Spinner1’s ( Wisconsin ) browns, Joe V’s big ( Ohio ? ) salmon, bonefishwhisper’s ( Florida ) exotics and bonefish, fishingdave’s ( Iowa ) channel cat, alra195’s ( PA ) brookies, flyfish121’s ( Washington ) salmon smolt, and so forth.

It would be great if we could get them all in one place, in one thread. And then add to it over the coming season, both with more of the same already in the thread, and new ones as they are taken. No narrative, to speak of, just where it was taken, what it is, and what it ate.

I’ll start with some that I’ve already posted, and look forward to a long and continuing thread of what it is we all really have in common.

South Fork of the Snake. Brown trout. Brown rubber leg stonefly nymph.

South Fork of the Snake. Cutthroat trout. Golden stone rubber leg nymph.

Henry’s Fork of the Snake. Rainbow trout. Size 18 red brassie.

Henry’s Fork of the Snake. Cuttbow trout. Harrop’s Henry’s Fork Caddis ( biot body and CDC wing ).

Middle-of-Nowhere Creek, Wyoming:

Another no-name creek in Wyoming:

Yet another creek-which-shall-not-be-named, Wyoming:

I will post some of THIS years best catches…all caught in miami

this one fell for the crab fly…

so did this 14ft sawfish

huge bone on clouser

standard butterfly peacock on EP minnow

here are a few more species

a huge oscar…caught on E minnow

and latest freshwater tarpon caught on small black muddler with yellow maribou

Not sure where my other camera is, but I have pics of these 2 saved. they first is a 14" crappie that came from a local pond, the second is your standard 8" bluegill from a city lake. The crappie took an olive wooly bugger, and the gill came on my own design.
