Fish NOT caught on a size 20 Midge Emerger

Somehow I don’t think it was an Elkhair Caddis pattern as well…

What the H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEYSTICKS is that thing?
I’d be afraid to get in the water!


It looks like the Gates of H E Double Hockey Sticks!!! :shock:

It’s called a Goliath Tiger Fish…calls the Congo River home…

And yes, they actually flyfish for them…

I don’t know if I would want to try and C&R or just beat the crap out of it with a ball bat if it came near.

Either way - I’m NOT wading!

Thanks, Jim.

I really was hoping it wasn’t caught anywhere around here (the US of A).
I still listen for the cello music before I go in the water at the beach.


[b]Holy Jumpinjehosephats! :o

Whatever you do, keep all your body parts out of the water. Now you know what Piranha’s are scared of![/b]

I’m ‘SURE’ Robert & Rusty are really going to appreciate this scenerio! ; The ONLY place in the U.S.A. (in my opinion) that it is remotely, likely, possible to have one of these fish ‘Latch’ onto your leg is the GREAT State of Florida!!! ("I’m SORRY! Officer!, it got too big for the fish tank & bath tub!! :frowning: )

OK! … one more place to add to my “don’t think I’ll ever try fishing there” list!! Them’s some teeth thar!!

And then he rigged it up as a “LIVE BAIT”

Just in case Grand Daddy wasa in the neighbourhood. Jax


I was hoping for some fish pictures from Cumberland. YIKES! That’s one exotic species I sure hope doesn’t make its way into our local waters!

I want them teeth to make a “Crocodile Dundee” hatband.

My wife took one look at this pic and said, “You take it off the hook!”

Baseball bat my butt!! Shoot it with a very large caliber weapon! :shock:

from 15 feet away!!!

I’d like to catch that with my 2wt, and a crowbar.