This is a first (well, okay, third) attempt at tying a Roy Christie style emerger. The fly hangs very low in the water with the tail fully submerged. You really have to know where the fly is or you’ll likely miss a strike. They float like little corks though if you use good hackle.
Thanks Rookie. I’m hoping to get over to the Idaho Tying Expo next month to meet Roy in person. He’s a very innovative fly dresser and a heck of a nice guy.
I’ve seen a lot of his work via the internet and you are right , very innovative. That would be great to see him in person. Good Luck, hope you make it.
Excellent tie, and a great link. This looks to be a killer.
Question on the hook… i notice on the pattern in the link the hook is a straight eye, and on yours it looks to be a down eye. Any thoughts on one vs the other or doesn’t it matter?
It looks like yours is designed to sink the tippet a bit in front of the fly, which I think would be a good thing?
Roy uses a Partridge K14ST Emerger hook with a straight eye. I didn’t have any of those so I used a Mustad dry fly hook. The K14ST’s are on order.
Both flies will sink the tippet in front of the fly (I agree, that’s a good thing). I used a hare/antron dubbing mix so it soaks up water nicely. The few Coq de Leon tailing fibers do nothing to make the tail float. I had one floating in a bowl of water for three days before it finally sank.
Thanks, no matter how many different hooks I have it always seems I’m missing something as different patterns come up. I substitute a lot with what i have on hand, but didn’t no whether that would be a problem here because of the construction.
Sure looks good, and I can put some old tippet to use too.