first trout at real lake

Last evening I took my Colorado 9’ pontoon boat and my 5 wt rod and went to a real lake for a test. After getting out on the lake I made a few casts with some sort of nymph and after fumbling around I managed to hook and land a nice little 10" rainbow, which of course released. Again I haven’t a clue what I am doing but I am out there trying.

Hate to say this but after a while I put the fly rod down and picked my spinning outfit and went bass hunting. Managed to hook and land a couple of nice 13"ers which also were released.

Today I stopped by the fly shop and picked up some floatant, tell tales, leader straigtener and rewared myself with a new vest. Oh not for the fish but that as of today I am down 46 lbs and only 46 more to go. Can hardly wait until the local fly club has it’s next meeting in September so I can go meet some real fly fisherfolks.


I just want to say I’m proud of you for your determination! :smiley:
Doug :smiley:

Welcome to the sport and the board Mike and what Doug said !

If you’re retired or something and have time on your hands, come on down to OR and I’ll show you some fly fishing over LMB, SMB, bream and steel. Sounds like we have a convert on the path to redemption ! How do I grin without using those dumb emoticons?



P.S. Pick Doug up on your way by !