First fish this tuesday!

caught my first fish on the fly this tuesday, a freshwater Drum i caught while fishing the red River in Manitoba. I caught it on a brown and orange clouser minnow.

the fish wasnt the only one to be caught on flies that day 8)

very cool 8)

interesting combo of colors on the clouser might just have to try out that color!

That’s great, you got the ball rolling…just the start of a wonderful journey.

Hey, Alex, I bet you had a great fight on your hands. Those bruisers can really put up a tussle. One of the beauties of warmwater fly fishing is seeing how many different species you can catch. I’ve caught brookies, browns and bows, but on the warmer side of the street I’ve caught walleye, drum, carp, flathead catfish, channel catfish, silver bass, northern pike, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, green sunfish, bluegill, punkenseeds, black crappie and yellow perch. I might have left something out, too. Keep at it Alex. It’s all a blast! JGW

Congrats! I hope it’s the first of many many yet to come. :smiley:

Congrats! “Upstream” here on the Sheyenne, we don’t see the drum that the anglers get in the Red around Fargo and Grand Forks, but i hear they’re a riot, especially on the fly rod.

heres some pics of my 2nd fish on the fly, a 33 inch channel cat: … pos=6.html … pos=5.html

this fish put up a GREAT fight!!

Try posting your photo again! I don’t see it!

I see it! That’s a big catfish! What fly did you catch him on??
You also got him to smile for the camera on the second photo! :smiley:

I just posted the links, just click 'em!

i caught him ona a red and black marabou leech, with bead chain eyes so the fly goes point up.

Was the hook a straight eye or up turned like a jig hook?
Try using a Zonker Streamer fly sometime because Channel Cats eat minnows.

Alex, beautiful catfish! Congratulations on your fly tying. Brown and orange clousers work really well around here for smallmouth bass. Tying clousers is fun, too!