I wonder if Ron is aware of the problems with finding members posts?
If you look for “all posts” by a member it only goes back one month.
How about this… Warren has zero posts!
And there no longer is a… find posts initiated by a member.
I wonder if Ron is aware of the problems with finding members posts?
If you look for “all posts” by a member it only goes back one month.
How about this… Warren has zero posts!
And there no longer is a… find posts initiated by a member.
wouldnt that be “warrenP” ?
there is 5 pages of posts by warrenp! ya gotta use the correct members name!
Whew…I wondered if I had the right name but was too lazy to check.
Anyway the issues still stand…if you go to the first of his posts in those 5 pages they start Feb 13…
I think it’s a real problem since sometimes it’s easier to find an old thread by using a member than by using the search function.
I’m interested in this too Duck & think I’ll follow this thread for an answer.
… a PM on this subject just a couple days ago - to the point that you used to be able to look up all threads and all posts ( at least the last 500 ) by any current BB member. Now you only get posts since the date the BB changes were effective - 2-12-10 - and the posts include the threads.
Haven’t heard back from Ron yet.
i searched on my name and found posts that i responded to in 2006. not posts that i created but responded to
Norm, I just clicked on your name in the above posts and I can only go back to your posts on Feb 13…something is rotten in Denmark…
… get different results. I think Duck was refering to accessing a BB member’s posts through a feature of the profile that let’s you find previous posts by that person. That is also the method I was refering to, where the old profile let you access threads and posts separately, and the frame of reference for the question that I posed to Ron.
When you searched on your name, did you also get posts that you responded to in '07, '08, '09, and '10 ?? and did you try to search for threads that you had started, regardless of when those threads were started ??
The reason I wrote to Ron, and the reason I’m asking about your experience, Norman, is because I used to go back to threads that I had started, or threads I remember someone else started, for reference for current discussions. I do miss that capability on the new BB set up, and am looking for a way regain lost ground.
i found posts from 2006 thru 2010 under my name that i RESPONDED to.
i used the “advance search” button at the top right of the page
i dont see or could find where i could search by “CREATED BY”
… Norman. I just used the “advanced search”, which I had noticed but never used before, and got a list of all the threads I have started in alphabetical order.
When you go to the “Advanced Search” there is an option on the top line ( to the right of the Keywords box ) which lets you “Search Entire Posts” or “Search Titles Only.” Make your choice, then enter the “User Name” and click on Search Now.
I’ve been having trouble with searches in general. When I do a search for bluegill, for example, in the advanced search page, with “any date” selected, I still only get posts from Feb and newer–a total of 1 1/2 pages. I know we’ve had more than that in the past. Any ideas?
i searched both ways “search entire posts” & “search titles only” and both returned the exact same results.