Well I finally finished the old Montaque I was refinishing for my husband, I gave it to him for Fathers Day, and he really likes it. It will throw a 6wt line 75 feet with no problem. I will try to post some pics. So what do you think for a first timer with no training or help?
Oh, my goodness!! Sure wish my first one looked like that! For that matter, I wish my last one looked like that!! Good job! That’s something to be very proud of!
WOW! Your hubby is one lucky fellow. That rod is gorgeous! Should be worth a few extra special items added to the top of the Honey-Do list for him to do. You did a wonderful job!
VERY nice.
I try not to say this too often, but this is one of those times It needs to be said. I’m impressed!
What Panfisher said, plus WOW!
Hope my first turns out 1/2 that nice.
Will throw a 6wt. 75 feet with no trouble? Heck, hard to do with any rod. VERY NICE job. Find another, do it again, perhaps sell it? I will ask this though. In the third picture, the tip section, the end of the guide on the right hand end, does the varnish run out about a quarter of an inch or so? Hard to tell in the picture. One thing to keep in mind is to minimize the amount of wraps and the varnish that covers them. It keeps the weight down.
Yeah - I can throw my 5 wt DT line 75 feet. But then I take it out of the box, put it on the reel, put the reel on the rod and go at it. Not nearly 75 feet !!
Thank you guys for all the nice replies, and complaiments, I had planned on getting it too him for Christmas but had unscheduled company for a couple mnths and that hendered my finishing it, since one of the visitors was a 2 year old Hurricane.
I had the reelseat made from Ambaloya, I think you call it and then the Cork is AAA+ portegese, and then the rest was done old school, with Gossermer silk , Spar varnish 3 coats, and then the Amber Varnish then one more coat of Spar, and I left the Boo with a light Spar Varnish steel wooled, so that it looked uncoated.
I have to say that when you buy a Boo Rod you are paying for a lot more time than you can put a dollar amount on, as far as Im concerened. They are wonderfull feeling though, and the next one will be for myself, a 5wt KINGFISHER, but Im going to keep all its original hardware, and try to match its silk.
You have a right to be proud of your job on this one. Hope you enjoy doing your own as well.
Ain’t it grand? If you and your hubby have half the fun JC and I have had, your life will be blessed.
please tell us what is the hardware on that lovely reel seat?
Yes, you certainly should be proud. Double wow!
Congtrats. You deserve one of your own.
The reel seat I bought is a Nickel Silver Product, Im dont remember whom I got it from, but I know its a Bellinger, I think thats how you spell it. I bought it online at EBAY, a great deal too. Yes the Nickel Silver made the rod, and the snake eyes I obtained are Nickel Silver as well and I got them the same place as the Agted Guide, from Golden Witch. Very Nice products.
lovely job.
refinishing a rod is a rewarding experience no doubt.