FINALLY a Super Bowl we can be proud of

The 2 singers before the game didn’t mangle their songs and moreover didn’t try a “make over” of the original… THANK GOD!

Halftime was good entertainment but Bruce has lost his range that is for sure. No costume problems…THANK GOD!

Our troops and General Petraus were honored…THANK GOD!

In the end it turned out to be one great game. Steelers won…THANK GOD!

Agree, it was a fun game, the halftime show was one of the, if not the, best pieces of Super Bowl entertainment ever. - Go Bruce!.

Unfortunately, both Faith Hill and Jennifer Hudson were lip synching their performances -

Not to take away from their performances but it was disapointing to see that they were singing to pre-recorded tracks.


Wow… Not sure I saw the same game! :wink:

The total lack of class by Pittsburg rowdies is perhaps the worst kind of thing, in part because it makes me realize how close we really are to anarchy. Rioting over a game? Because your team won? The message is frightening.

Hmm… and the last play - I didn’t really care who won the game but that was clearly an incomplete pass and Arizona should have gotten one last chance. That kind of stuff leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Oh well, there is always next year…

Thanks for posting the winners name, I was wondering which team won.

Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—

They had an official ruling…why I don’t know because Arizona was out of challenges. It was painfully obvious both feet were in bounds…over and over and over and over.

I missed the part where they changed the rules… Challenges during the final 2 minutes come from the booth officials and they are not limited.

The first half officiating was horrible… Starting with an uncalled obvious late hit on Ben… And I am not a Steeler fan…

I was getting sick of all the penalites they did call…both ways. It’s the Super Bowl…let 'em play.

You are right about the final 2 minutes. I forgot about that. I must admit I haven’t watched much football lately because of the “thuggery” and the awful halftime shows as of late. It seems they have cleaned things up a lot! I will watch more now. I was not up on the latest rules.

Terry won 4. Ben has won 2 and could win one or two more. Could we see a Ben and Terry pregame show in the future? Oh, please tell me it won’t happen!

I guess it’s a generational thing as far as appreciating the/this half time show. All I heard was a constant ,12 minute, LOUD noise. I too would say “go Bruce”, however, I would add, “far and soon”.


What, not enough thuggery for you :wink:

Uhhhhhh… You just hit my absolute pet peeve! :wink: Complain about thuggery and then complain they make them play by too many of the rules??? Just because it is the play-offs???

The thuggery would go away if the rules were enforced. Enforce all of the rules through the season and there will be no need to “let them play” during the big games because they would see the reaction to their actions. If every player throwing a punch was ejected everytime there would be far fewer punches thrown.

I played college basketball and loved watching NBA games. Two years ago in the playoffs between Houston and Dallas (I was rooting for Houston) there was an on-court fight. Two dallas players were not allowed to play in the next game for stepping on the court and video showed they clearly did. However a more critical Houston player got right into the mix and was not punished. I have not watched an NBA game since.

I think the officiating was shameful, myself. They called some of the dumbest things and missed some extremely flagrant penalties. As for the stunt Harrison pulled, that’s just wrong. So much for being a “professional”.
Big Bad Wulff, I know you liked the music, but I was thoroughly unimpressed. I would like to hear my National Anthem sung as written. Save the vocal “creativity” for R&B. I have no critism of Faith Hill, but I admit I didn’t pay attention to the performance. I was fighting my brother-in-law over the last hot wing.
As for the Boss’ performance, it just wasn’t the old Bruce. It was OK, but it just didn’t do it for me - and I’m a Springsteen fan. Oh well. All in all, though, I really enjoyed the game and the entertainment.
I hope all of you did, too.

Do you suppose that Harrison just may have been retaliating for the fore arm blow that that particular Cardinal delivered to the back of his head at the end of his touchdown run? Not that I am condoning Harrisons’ actions, I do not, or make excuses for him but it cuts both ways you know. Our coach used to tell us if your going to deliver a cheap shot do not come crying to me when you get one back at you. So my Steelers play a bit rough at times? They sure do. Yep, they even give out the occasional cheap shot. Welcome to the N.F.L. and A.F.C. North football.

It is a violent, contact sport and sometimes tempers will flair. The correct penalty was called and the situation dealt.

In the older days all of those N.F.L. players were really pros at delivering the cheap shot and not getting caught at it.

What rioting? No one was killed. There were thousands of fans there and only a few hundred got a little out of control. I would say the Pittsburgh Police and our State Police did a fine job of handling those.

Pittsburgh is still a rough and tumble, blue collar town. We still work in the mills and mines there. We work hard and play harder. Yoi! What riot? Not like when they won the previous one.:slight_smile:

I stand corrected as it was Breaston that delivered an elbow to Harrison in the back. A legal tackle by Fitzgerald that pulled Harrisons’ head into the turf. Both are legal but either one will get you a retaliation. Here is the video click on NFLTA BEST DEFENSIVE PLAY:


I was talking about the very last play - the fumble that was clearly an incomplete pass, and they just ended the game. Arizona should have had one last play from Pittsburgh’s 30 yard line. Who know’s what could have happened… Probably nothing, but now - no one will ever know. I hate that.

I agree Bruce was terrible—lots of noise. And then my team COLTS took the year off. Why wasnt the player thrown out of the game for socking the player on the ground? BILL

Good point bout throwing Harrison out. I had wondered about that right from the start. Used to be if took any type of a swing at another player’s head/throat you were gone. Harrison will be fined as well as having the penalty assessed against him. Possibly the refs missed something the Cardinal player did earlier in the game and knew it. When that happens they have a tendency to look the other way when the retaliation is delivered unless, like Harrison, you cross the line by throwing punches. Harrison should have been ejected.

I really don’t think that last five seconds would have made a difference except perhaps getting the Cardinals Werner sacked, possiby injured. That having been said I think the play should have been reviewed, turned over and let the Cardinals run that last play.

I’m not the world’s biggest Springstein fan but at least he was really singing. The other two were lip synching. Performere lipping pre-recorded music is one of my hot buttons.

As a hack musician, I think live music should be emotive and reflect the moment. It does not need to be perfect but it does need to come from the heart. Music recorded in the studio is meant to be perfect. One can record as many takes as is required to achieve that level of perfection.

In live music, there are variables and that is the way it is supposed to be.

Any respect I may have had for Faith Hill and Jennifer Hudson as performers vanished. Even if the producer wanted pre-recorded music, the performer should refuse. If they want to listen to a CD, then play the CD and allow the performer to fight over the last chicken wing :wink:
