Well, Here’s the final product. I’ve decided to NOT make any corrections to the imperfections, but to just fish the rod and enjoy it. I know what I need to do to make the next rod better, so I will leave this one as a benchmark to see how I progress. Aside from the finish on the tip top, the rest of the rod is pretty good.
Joe, Looks fine to me. There may be a few hiccups, but it will fish fine. I was in the same way with my Boo refinishing. First one was a little rough, but they have progressed nicely. Welcome to the nuts :lol: and can hardly wait too see the next 8)
Another one flies over the “cuckoos nest”.
I believe what you’ve done is to “strengthen the very tip of tip section” yeah, that’s it. :shock:
If it really bothers you that much, you can send this rod to me since you’ve got 3 more on the wing. Nice job overall!!!
Attaboys to Joe!! But caution is in the wind here!! You may decide to join Rod Builders Anonymous!! This is a support organization for addictions to rod building, and to join, all you have to do is to send in your first rod. Once you give that one up, you are on your way to a rapid recovery!!! 8)
I don’t need no 12-step program. I can quit anytime I want to, and I’m not giving up #001 to join RBA (let me guess, I mail the rod to YOUR house for inclusion in RBA? :shock: ).
I’m going crazy waiting for my order. Called them on Monday and the order was held until all the components were in. It was supposed to ship from H&H on Tuesday, but it did not get here today as expected. Maybe the 20" of snow we had has something to do with that? I’m getting the shakes…I need a rod to work on or I’ll be forced to work on the Honey-Do list. Aaaaaaaggghhhhhhhh!!!
I don’t need no 12-step program. I can quit anytime I want to, and I’m not giving up #001 to join RBA (let me guess, I mail the rod to YOUR house for inclusion in RBA? :shock: ).
See, there is hope you guessed it right off so all is not lost…
Hope you get your stuff soon Joe, and I would say you are right, that snow has a lot to do with it!! If you start getting the shakes you can always dig out the one you just finished and just pretend you are building!!! :roll:
Just called H&H, and my order is still sitting there waiting for the superfine grips and 1 reel seat. They offered to ship what’s ready, but I can’t do anything until the grips are in. Bummer…guess I’ll go play with some feather inlays on my factory rod. I built my dryer today, and I’m running out of things to do. Even cleaned the basement :shock: to my wife’s amazement.
Ya know, even though I said I would leave the rod “as is” because it was my first effort, I was bugged by the tip top looking goofy. So, I painstakingly sanded it down to where it was as level as I could get it, mixed up a small batch of flex coat and recoated it. Damn if it didn’t come out looking the same as before. I guess I’m destined to have a gimpy looking tip on old 001. We’ll see what happens with 002 (if it ever leaves Pittsburgh). It probably won’t ship till next week because they are closed tomorrow to go to the rod show for the weekend. Just my luck.
As a newbie to rod building, I don’t know what I don’t know…if you know what I mean. If too much epoxy causes that look, then I must be applying too much. I was trying to keep it thin, but obviously I need to work on getting it thinner. Thanks for the observation.
Joe, What I mean buy thin coats is put a coat on then wipe of extra, with your brush, let dry then repeat 2 times you should have a nice finish. But for your first build nice job, YOu dont want to see pictures of my first :evil:
On second thought looking at your tip did you wrap up on to the tip or did you wrap up next to the tip and not actually on the metal? That would cause the bulge if you wraped up on it.
Ok this is just my opinion soo…wraping onto the tip is just for looks the epoxy is there to hold the tip on not the thread. So I just but the thead up to the tiptop and then it makes it nice and even when you finish it. My first & second rod I wraped up onto the tiptop they came out looking like yours.