I bought an old bamboo Japanese rod from an elderly gentleman. This is my first boo!! I love the rod even though compared to what most of you own it is a piece of crap. In addition to that, the ferrules need to be replaced. Nonetheless, I want to repair it. I think it will be fun, but how do I even start!!! HELP!!!
I have never replaced ferrules, but I certainly have read a lot about doing it, so maybe I can be of help.
First you have to remove the old ferrules from the rod. Take a good look at them to see if they are pinned. If so, you need to remove that pin. The easiest way I have found to do this is to just tap the pin in past the component (which for me have been reel seats). Once the pin is cleared, you will need to use heat to loosen the glue/epoxy holding the ferrule in place. An alcohol lamp should work for this. Be very careful though, as these things have a tendency to shoot off the rod (I recently almost lost a coffee pot to a one in a million tip-top shot). If it doesn’t shoot off, a little time with heat should enable you to pull it off. From this point, you will need to measure and order new ferrules. Golden Witch has a pretty good explanation of how to measure and order new ferrules in their catalogue which can be found on their website just scroll down until you see “anatomy of the ferrule”
(http://www.2computerchicks.com/Merchant … =FERSPLUGS)
I’m not sure if that info will help with ordering/measureing from other sites, but its certainly a start.
Another really good place for good info is to just do a search on this BB. Just hit the search button at the top, and limit the search to the Rod Building Forum. That?s where I find most of the answers to my questions. Hope this helps get you started. Read around some more seeing as I am far from an authority on the subject.
GburgFisher has gives some very sound advice on the removal of the old ferrules. I have “rebuilt” quite a few of those for folks whose parents brought them back from Japan after WWII, and so far, I haven’t found one of them with pinned fit. Heat is the best way to remove them and what GBurg has told you is very good advice for sure, I have seen them come off of the section like a rocket before and besides being dangerous in flight, it most often destroys the ferrule station of the bamboo. Go slowly and they will come right off. Make sure to rotate the section as you heat it. Using an old piece of bicycle inner tube will help you to grasp the ferrule in pulling it off of the section.
If you want to replace the ferrules with nickel silver, there are lots of folks that sell them in the price range of the company that you have been pointed to. There are also much cheaper ferrules out there that are nickel plated brass, which would be similar to the chrome plated brass that you have on that rod. Give a look at mudhole.com, shofftackle.com, jannsnetcraft.com, and you will find inexpensive ferrules that will work quite nicely for your rod that run in the $2.50 to $4.50 range, Make sure that you have an accurate measuirng tool and that you communicate with the seller on how THEY size ferrules prior to ordering too. Most of them measure the same way and size the same way, but it is better to be safe than sorry. If you have a micrometer or dial caliper, measure the dimension of the ferrule station and multiply it by 64 and it will tell you what size ferrule that you need.
I have recently had to replace a ferrule. Easier (and for me more accurate) than a micrometer is a drill index. It is a metal plate with holes in it relating to the different sized drill bits. Find out what is the smallest size the rod ends will fit into. Each one of the rod ends needs to be sized. You don’t want to sand or in any way make the rod thinner so make sure the hole in the ferrule is larger than the rod diameter.
Ferrules are measured in two ways, in 32nds of an inch or in millemeters. By using the drill index and a conversion table easily found on the internet you can get an accurate size for the ferrule.
You’ll need to buy a matched set so that they join properly together. If when buying you cannot find the right size for each end as a matched pair then go with the larger size and you can put a wrap of thread between the rod and ferrule to make it fit snug.
Once you get your measurements send me a pmail. I have a few sets of ferrules, but if one of them matches your needs you can have them.
There is another option!! May be I could send my new bamboo to one of you guys for repair. I would be happy to pay for your services plus parts. What do you say?!?!?!?