I’m not really sure what you mean about the size? I know what a drill index is but I have looked on the sights that sell ferruls and the sizes don’t make sense to me. what does it mean 20/19 or 21/23 in sizes? Please help me I’m new at this and don’t want to mess up. Also you say build up with thread. that is on the rod it’s self to build it up and how much can I go on that? thanks Walter. I hope you don’t think I’m stupid for the questions I’m asking I just want to be sure before I start anything.
Hey Walter.
These are not stupid questions…this stuff is confusing. When I’ve ordered ferrules in the past, I’ve used this page as a “helper”
http://www.2computerchicks.com/Merchant … =FERSPLUGS
There is a section in there called “Anatomy of a Ferrule” that is helpful. I don’t know why they would say 20/19 or somethinglike that. As far as I know, they are measured in 64ths, so maybe thats an older ferrule and its the ID of the end that goes on the boo, and then the size of male ferrule that would fit in the hole? I have no idea, but that goldenwich page is helpful. Where are you seeing those numbers?
the numbers I got were from shoff tackle co. I had a number bakwards 19/20 or 20/21 thanks
If you’re going to be doing much more rod work, you might want to invest in a dial caliper or micrometer (one that measures in .001" increments). You should be able to pick up a cheap one for about $20. Just take the measurement you get and multiply it by 64 to figure out which size ferrule to use.
Best regards,
Joe Martin
thank you for the information. I measured the rod ends not the ferrulls. this rod slips into a handle with a male ferrull and it’s 10mm the top end is 8mm and is female then the other section is 7 mm and male and the next end is 5mm and female then the last end is 4mm and male with a 3mm tip. so if this is right what size ferrulls do I purchase I’m confused. Thank Walter
I guess i ask to many questions about this subject on ferrules. the last one I posted is because the measuements are for the pole it’s self it has no ferrules at all. I want to try a restore and I really need help. Please anything you can help with will be greatly appreciated more than you will know.
Thanks again Walter
W Hardy, I think that the sizing you are referring to, 20/19 or 21/23 is referring to step down ferrules where the larger of the two would apply to thicker section (in this case looks like a 20/64ths for the female on the butt section, and a 19/64ths for the male on the mid section) and the smaller on the adjoining section with the slides made to match. Not all ferrules are made that way and it is always a good idea to check witht he maker when and where possible to ascertain how he (or she) has made them. Also, be leary of trying to match just one half a ferrule from another maker, that dog just won’t hunt most of the time, it is always best to repalce the pair rather than just one unless you can get an exact match. Most of the ferrule makes will gladly share with you how you should measure for their ferrules. If you go to GoldenWitch’s site, look in their catalog, on line, and there is an explanation for the way that he measure ferrules for a good fit.
BTW welcome to the dark side…it will only get darker before it brightens up!!!
The 19/20 or 20/21 you see at Schoff tackle are measurements for metall fiberglass rod ferrules. Think about the taper of a fiberglass rod, you need the male to be 1/64ths smaller than the femaole to account for the taper in the rod because you can’t turn it down so the ferrule fits, the wall of the rod isn’t thick enough. The female on those kind of ferrules is swaged large enough to fit the male. I missed what kind of rod you’re working on, if fiberglass, that’s what you want, if bamboo, then you need a different and more expensive ferrule. If you want to replace what was there, get a dial caliper and measure where the bamboo was turned for the ferrule, then call Rick’s Rods in Denver and tell him what you have, he has thousands of NOS ferrules for all kinds of rods, he’ll have what you need.