Fern Tree...Picture

While Jack Hise and I were fly fishing the Duck River here I saw this tree across the river. The green on it is a fern. I have never seen this before and just had to take the picture…

Beautiful pic. That is resurrection fern, seen it a lot in Fla. and along the coasts of Georgia and Carolina Low country. Too often we don’t stop to look around us and “smell the roses” when fishing.

Hey, thanks a lot for the information. I have never seen this anywhere around here until this year. I have fished that particular area many times and this year was the first time I noticed the fern growing on that tree. I will Google up the name and see what I find. It was very unique and pretty. I will try to get back to that spot again and cross the river to get closer photos of it. It is a very rocky area and there is a very high sheer rock bluff behind it. There are square holes mined into the rock bluff where salt peter was mined during the Civil War. I will get closer pictures this winter because during the warmer summer time there are a few snakes that like the rock bluff area and I do not like snakes!! :slight_smile:

We get a fern that looks similar to that growing on maple trees around here in the hills. They call it Licorice Fern. If you pick the small newer shoots and bite into them they taste like black licorice. It does not cover the tree as much but rather grows in little bunches here and there on the tree.
