Female Mosquito

Heres a Female Mosquito that I tied up for the upcoming season (Only 20 More Days !!!:-P:D). In my opinion, The Female works better that the Male Mosquitos. Tie up a few and I guarantee you will have some sucess with it. Has anyone heard of it before?

Female Mosquito:
Hook : Standard Dry (Size 10 - 16 is What I Fish)
Thread: Black Uni 8/0
Tail : Grizzly Hackle Fibers
Butt : Orange Red Thread
Body : Thread
Rib : White Thread
Hackle : Grizzly

Here it is…

Thanks, Nic;)

Usually a female version of almost any fly uses yellow for an egg sack of some sort, but with yours it must represent blood. Only one sex bites, which one is it?

Hmm… Nver heard of using yellow? I didn’t mean That they only eat Felmale Mosquitos, What I meant is that I would cast 20 Times and Catch and Release 4 trout when using Male and 8/20 with the Female.

Just my preference to use the Female most of the time but I still do use Male.


It’s the females that bite and draw blood, they however make no buzzing noise. The males feed on plant juices and make the noise that drives us all nuts. Something about having two different types of malaria that makes you learn a bit about mosquitoes.

If a fish can trigger on something as small as an egg sac on a mayfly, the color of blood in a female mosquito just adds to the meal for a hungry trout.


Great idea to improve on a diehard pattern in my neck of the woods! Thanks for the tip!:smiley:

Oh, this brings back nightmares!!! of a good kind…

Back when in highschool, there was a gentleman in the town I lived in that used mosquito flies exclusively. Every year I tied 100 of these suckers, pun intended, (of the male variety, ie. no red at the back) on a number 10 or 12 dry fly hook. I thought my eyes were gonna go out of my head but I did them faithfully for him for several years. He had come to the point in his live where he could no longer tie flies, and, I had to tie them the same way he did so he would be happy. No wings, 3 or 4 turns of grizzly hackle, black body with white thread, grizzly fibres for tail. When he passed away, his wife told me that he had almost 200 of these little suckers squirrelled away for use.

As a note, in the summer, mosquitos here turn a little brown so tying the same pattern but all in brown is effective also.

Nice fly and yes, effective.


Hi Nic;

Nice tie, it looks simple but extremely effective.

When do you fish it? Do you fish it when mosquitos are active or does it matter?

I think I’m going to tie some up this weekend, ever try a red bead instead of thread to create a faster sink?

Thanks in advance;


Check this out!!! :slight_smile:

Hi J Castwell;

Wow! That’s realistic, almost too pretty to fish. I wonder if it works as well as it looks?


Is it fished as a dry or something that slowly sinks?

Is the male all black?

It looks like it would be great for late summer Gill. Thanks.

I wonder if Deanna explained this to Mr. Castwell…

Ed, who has been known to bite yellow perch on the banks of the Au Sable

Wayneb, I fish it a lot but right when the sun is going down the trout go nuts for them.

Raw69, I fish them dry just because I love dry fly fishing. There are other patterns that are a Wet version of the mosquito. The male can be tied with the grizzly hackle quill or just with a black body ribbed with white thread or you choice of material.


As a resident of the state that uses the mosquito for a state bird (lol). I almost ran away from the computer screen. Nice tie !!! I like the red butt, should make it very effective.

Mike :smiley:

I will be tying up a bunch of them tonight.

Mozzies are a right pest here at home, we are near water but not that close and our house seems to have plenty of them in the dark corner’s of the bedrooms and wash house - I will tie some up tonight.


Thanks for posting the pattern, Nic! I just finished tying a half dozen in size 18, which is about right to match our local blood-suckers. I can’t believe that I’m actually looking forward to Mosquito season so I can test one out. :grin:


I tie a spider version, where the body is made by wrapping two moose body hairs (one dark, one light), and the hackle is grizzle. I use the webby feathers that are underneath the dry fly hackles on a microbarb dry fly cape. Anyway, for the female, I replace the light moose hair with red dyed deer hair.

  • Jeff

Valhalla 1 Leave those tiny things at home when you come to Michigan. Ours have to tied on a 1x long # 2 hook. Careless fishermen have been complete4ly exsanguinated by them in in only a couple of hours.

Looks like JC is ignoring you Ed :lol:

Yes, we are blessed with smaller mosquitos…but they do make up for size with shear numbers, coupled with West Nile Virus.