Favorite Bumper Stickers

I would like to ask everyone WHAT their favorite bumper stickers are??
Recently I saw one that confused me at first. It said; National Atheists Day April 1st. One of my pet peeves is the way they keep adding holidays without asking my permission! It took me a while but I finally got it!
Another sticker said; HONK if YOUR ELVIS.
I still think that’s funny!
Thanks for your input.
Doug :smiley:

let’s see.

keep honking i’m reloading.

driver only carries 20 dollars in ammo.

I just got a new gun for my wife.best trade I ever made.

the rest of my favorites don’t qualify for admission on a family oriented board.

I always liked:
Mafia staff…Toucha my car I breaka you face!


:smiley: I saw a very attractive blonde in a Mercedes
roadster with the top down. License plate read:
“Was His”. Warm regards, Jim

An old NRA sticker…“Charlton Heston is my President”
Never saw it except on my old ‘82’ Ram. :lol:

One I would like to see…
This is MY country…learn MY language!

That bumper sticker works WHEREVER you live.


I Like this one

VEGETARIAN: Old indian word for poor hunter.

I must be off.


I don’t know if these are bumper stickers but they should be:

If you can read this, thank a teacher. If it is in English, thank a soldier.

Support our troops. Don’t stab a guy in that back that’s willing to take a bullet for you.

I do what my Rice Crispies tell me to do

:?: :?: :?: :cry:

“The people who cast the votes do not decide an election, the people who count the votes do.” ~Joseph Stalin

One that I had many years ago and I wish I had several more. It read “I don’t Hunt and Fish to Live, but, I Live to Hunt and Fish.”

My favorite is the one my friend is having made for us " if the motorhome is rocking HELP my wife is beating me up"

I saw one that got me laughing the other night and I’m not sure why:

“What would Scooby Do?”

To explain my post…

I figure it’s just plain good manners for anyone to attempt to learn the language of the country they are in, whether visiting or living there.
EdD…Yep!..If I plan to visit Quebec, I would relearn the French I forgot. I consider it consideration & respect for that country’s culture & their predominant language. When I was in VietNam, Japan, & China, I learned enough of their languages to get by. I was raised that way.

Do bumper stickers reflect a person’s CLASS or healthier attitude toward life?
After owning my van for 13 yrs, I can understand how bumper stickers could reflect a rebellious attitude towards car payments.
Doug :smiley:

When I was in Quebec visiting one of the things I and my wife enjoyed most was trying to communicate in French. Limited as it was I enjoyed it alot. When our French was not enough we relied on their English, drawing, hand signs etc.

I would hope that in this country it would be the same way. Visitors or new residents should hopefully try to use English and we should do whatever we can, including speaking their language to aid in communication. After all its all about communication.

Favorite bumper sticker… my choices are all too political so I’ll pass on that part of this post.

Thank you for understanding my explanation, & good for you & your wife. That is the way to visit.

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