Far and Fine

Everyone has been hearing the stories that they are discontinuing this line. Well in a way I guess they are.
I have heard the new line to be called Trout Bum, which started me thinking. I have the 7’4wt Trout Bum and it is unique, because it is a 4 pc.
Now with the new line coming out with that name is saying to me…7’9" 5wt Far-n-Fine 4 pc.
Would also explain the CRISPER feel.
I heard something tonight, that is saying just that. There will be a couple of two piece, but mostly four.
With the new times, it seems to be the demand.
I can’t wait for my new E-Log for 2007, I got to get one of these.

I will withhold my judgement till I cast one.
But right now I am skeptical. I have cast similar rods to the FnF in both length and line wt - some “crisper” some not quite as crisp but none were the magical stick that the FnF is.
I like the rod just the way it is. It is superb for its intended purpose. I’ll be surprized if they improve it.

I don’t think it will be an improvement, but rather DIFFERENT. I am lucky that I have the original and I will never get rid of that. The scary part now is, down the road if something happens to it, do I get the replacement?

I think that any change (improvement) to the FnF would make it no longer a ‘FnF’, but a new rod.

You got that right…just have to see what they decide to call it, cause I do think that calling it a F-n-F would be false advertising.

You got that right…just have to see what they decide to call it, cause I do think that calling it a F-n-F would be false advertising.[/quote:d6294]

FG, not to be too contrarian, but Orvis has used both the FnF and the Superfine names on previous generations of rods, even bamboo, so they can pretty much call the new rods anything they want without false advertising–kind of like naming various rods and reels “Battenkill”–it’s all just marketing. If the new rods are really sweet, they can call them anything they want, imo, and if they aren’t, it doesn’t matter if they say they’re commissioned by the royal house of Britain, they’ll die a quick death. For those who aren’t happy with the new products, there are plenty of used ones available, and if the demise of the two piece FnF leaves a lot of customers screaming, I would think that Orvis would fill the demand. I’m willing to give the four piece design a chance, though. After all, the current equal length two piece design casts comparably to the old short butt/long tip design, and there is a much bigger design difference in going from an unequal length two piece to an equal length two piece (maintaining the same action and feel) than you might imagine.

Having had the first F-n-F and the newer, they were made with the same spec blank although you are right on the older not being equal length. As far as the Superfine, that is just a name for what they are. The F-n-F being a superfine as the one ounce, full flex. However then they introduced a 4 pc four weight and they called it the TROUT BUM. They could call the new one the F-n-F but I will bet that they don’t with the intro of the two extra pieces. The F-n-F was designed after the boo and a good choice.
I am an Orvis gal all the way and have been for several years.
It’s like the Trident TL, then the TLS (same blank with less expensive hardware and now the TLS Power Matrix. I believe that if they do carry on with the Far and Fine name they will add something to it to make it distinctive
I guess we will find out real soon, cause it is on it’s way.

One more note. A couple of years ago when the power matrix was introduced it was called TLS Pro Guide, then about a year later changed to Power Matrix, same with the mid arbor.