Good buddy Jeremy (jkurtz) emailed this site to me. Once you get the area you want to see, use the “bird’s eye view”. I never saw detail like this on Google Earth, & if you are looking for new pond/water possibilities in your area, this will sure help…
Outstanding!!..Thanks Jeremy!!!
Thanks for that link. Very good maps, great detail. pretty up-to-date as well. It shows a wash out on one of my favorite rivers that occured during the spring run off, not more than two months old. Very nice.
Thanks for the link, I located my house and had my son run out front
and wave…
Nice, we have been house shopping and the Google immages of shelton Wa are very unclear, these are much better.
I’ve used Live Search for a while and the images are much clearer. I’ve found that both Live Search and Google Maps can be fairly tempermental if you don’t have the name of what you’re searching for exactly correct.
Tuber, I noticed that your grass in the back yard was getting a bit long, maybe you should cut it instead of fishing this Saturday…
Do ya see my new GOAT?
Thanks Mike.
Is this your backyard?;
I looked at my house and it is the same photo as google earth has. It shows a boat on the river doing the same turn I see on google earth. I also cannot get as close in as on GE.
I checked my local area, and the aerial photo looks a lot like the 2005 1 meter NAIP imagery I already have. Projects I did in May 07 are not on the photos. GE has a winter photo for this particular place, so it is a change, but…
Then again I don’t need an umpteen thousand dollar GIS program to look at the stuff…
PS Mikey, I thought that was just a really ugly cat, didn’t know you had a goat.
Very nice maps!!! I love it. I have a question, maybe someone can answer. How come the detail is better on some spots than others?
Thanks for the link, it’s wonderful!
I’ve wondered the same thing.
My thinking is that the cloud cover may not have been as thick when the pictures were taken. Then again, it seems that many times the more populized a place is, the better the picture. It is possible that more time was spent on areas that more folks are prone to look at, with higher res.
I don’t really know though.
Looks about the same to me.
I’ve wondered this myself, not sure why it is. Resolution seems to be better in the more populated areas. I haven’t been able to use the birds eye view in the State Parks around here, that kind of ticks me off. It seems as though these maps are just pieced together sat photo’s, some sections are newer than others, and as mentioned already some areas are winter pics and some are summer pics. It is a very useful tool though for prospecting new water to fish, and thats why I like it.
My buddy Cameron down in SC turned me on to this site, we wanted to see where each other lived, and this is the site we used to see our houses with. Up until then I had only used Google Earth.
:shock::shock:WHOA!!! I will certainly be more cautious of what I wear in my back yard!! That’s “almost” spooky!!
I can’t believe the resolution and sharpness of those maps. I can even see my Sunfish Sailboat sitting on the bank waiting for the lake to fill back up! Just amazing. Much thanks for the link. 8T
How about a word from a lower population area ?? The only map I can pull up for my place in Rigby must be at least five years old since it doesn’t show ANY of the development that has taken place in that time. Same image as on Google Maps.
On the other hand, when I looked at the aerial image of the East Fork of the Big Lost, it looked just like it did a couple days ago when I was over there fishing.
The detail IS better on the more populated areas. This is the way that Google earth does it. You also could tell before that not all the sections were taken at the same time of year. Google earth pictures of my area used to be from pictures taken in the fall with no leaves on the trees while other areas the trees were green. I suppose it takes a long time to update all the areas around the globe. Does anyone subscribe to the real time satellite photos like the time they were covering the New Orleans hurricane Katrina flooding? I would like to know how much different it is from the free sites. Still it is way cool!
Last night, just out of curiosity, I downloaded the most recent Google Earth (again!) & the picture detail couldn’t compare to this site…I immediately removed Google Earth. While some pics may be outdated & clarity in different areas may vary somewhat, the maps are extremely useful & fun. As my fishing buddies know, I am a farm pond NUT! I used to drive home different ways just to find ponds & ask permission. These maps are especially valuable to me in the light of current gas costs. I can now target a nearby area (I search based on most fertile farm areas) & plot my trip with stops to make. Helps me a whole lot.
BTW, the pond we call “The Factory”, where we get all the huge 9" to 11+" gills, shows up well, INCLUDING the fountain.
Glad to read the site has been helpful to some.