The Doughgod has expanded his horizons to a traditional apple pie. Can someone tell me why they take so long to cool before you cut into them? I’m losing my patience…
Eat Warm With Ice-cream
Joe; I also had an urge for apple pie this week, have no pics, but had pie !!! lol lol
Cool, who lets them cool!! Eat it warm!
I LOVE my apple pie refrigerated. Slap about 1/4 of that baby into the 'fridge, wash my fudge pans, & I’ll see you soon Joey!
Hey Joe, ya need to share with all of us… I was talking to my mom yesterday and they was getting fresh tomato still off the vine, and was having them with breakfast, so I asked her to send me a bite, dang if when I got home I didn’t get a E-mail from her of a home made picture of a tomato with a bite out of it, gotta love Mom…
Oh my God! Joe! Quite posting that stuff!! My keyboard is getting covered in goober.
I LOVE it!!! :lol:
Send it to me about time it gets here it should be ready to cut.
Hi Joe,
You are a little confused about the true symbol of fall. You have the right fruit but the wrong product. It’s not the apple pie that symbolizes fall, it’s the first jug of apple cider. BTW, that IS on fine looking pie. 8T
Cool? Someone lets apple pie cool? Put a slice of sharp cheddar cheese on top of a warm slice of pie and have a bit of heaven on your taste buds.
Apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze…
Ok Joe you went and did it now…
Good stuff!
Joe, Joe, Joe, these Pa Dutch recipes will keep you occupied for a while:
and if it’s autumn then it has to be pumpkin and mincemeat pies!
Joe, go ahead and put that pie on the window sill so it will be easier for me to find… I mean it will cool faster.
Having baked several hundred apple pies and consuming many more, I think you either don’t have enough ice cream on it or, you are not blowing hard enough on the fork or spoon full. Otherwise you just have to wait until cools. Around my house when the kids were here. unless I make 2 or more at a time it may never last long enough to reach the cool stage so most of the time I never wait for it to cool by it’s self.
If you want to really go to the dark side on apples, I also second trying the apple cider, and then of course I’d have to add home made apple butter. I have apple trees and used to make 50 to 60 gallon of apple butter each year and enough cider to drink for us. Either of these you can make in the house in small amounts.
The best of apples to you, Jesse. PS, never put a pie in the window sill, you could ask my Mother why if she were still alive.
Well, I don’t have an old fashion window sill to set the pie on, and I’m happy to say that it’s GONE.
<gasp> The Masked Tube Terror has struck again!
I knew you never had a widow sill. The story about my mothers pie on the sill had nothing to do with me, but I will never tell it except to someone who knew her, besides she could tell it funnier than me. And I maybe should have left that out.
Yup, I am old and old fashioned and glad of it as well. In my post about the apples I was grinning with tongue in check because it made me smile about all that I or my family did with apples over my life, and I’ve been baking and cooking for over 60 years so I thought it humerous how many gallons of apple butter, sauce or pies I have ate and baked along with many cobblers and other things made with apples. You gave me a happy thoughts when I saw your beautiful pie. They are equaly as good hot or cold, but when I was a kid and said a pie was hot, my Grand Dad told me exactly what I told you about the ice cream or blowing, he was grinning and so was I.
You are doing old fashion things by baking bread and pies, which all look beautiful and taste great I’m sure, I am glad for you doing that. I’m sure that it is better than Pickle Bills, if it is still up there. I only mean to encourage you in the many wonderful ways to fix apples. Where I grew up it was home made or no made, be it bread, pies or whatever else it was you ate. I for sure have no complaints about that.
I do hope you find many ways to enjoy your baking and cooking, be it bread or pies or what ever. Like they say it’s American as Apple Pie and a far older tradition than me.
Again, the very best of apples and everything else to you, Jesse