This is my first time as swapmeister, and I’m excited!
each tyer should include in the package sent to me:
6 flies of two different patterns, with toe tags
self-addressed return box/envelope (I anticipate this to be a fairly large swap) Experienced swappers feel free to chime in here if you have been a part of swaps with large flies and can recommend a good return-shipping method.
Stamps, enough to cover the return postage, (or cash if you prefer)
Welcome aboard guys! Thanks for being a part of my first swap as a host! Feel free to send any pointers, advice, constructive criticism,etc my way. I don’t take offense to such things and end up being really thankful for them. I’ll try and run this as smooth as possible and you guys just keep in communication with be about how it’s all going so we can modify plans or sub someone out if necessary.
Let’s plan to have these flies in to me by October 28th.
Don’t rush them if you can help it. Here’s my philosophy about this swap-
I like foam flies, but I am not very good at tying them. I am going to use this swap as motivation to research some recipes, try out some patterns, sub what materials are necessary and enjoy challenging myself with the material. I’m not going to tie them up like speedy gonzalez and then twiddle my thumbs for the rest of the month. I want to give you all some flies that I can be proud of tying, and that will challenge and inspire you, as well.
That’s just my two cents, but I feel like if that can be the attitude we share toward this swap we’ll all turn out some pretty awesome and creative flies.
So, relax, have some fun, and let’s tie some flies!
I was thinking 6, not including myself. That way everyone would tie and distribute 6 flies of two types, therefore 12 flies total, and you’d get 12 in return, two from each tyer not counting yourself.
I think I did the math right, lol.
Foam flies are some of my favorites. I’d like to join in this one. It’ll give me a great excuse to do a foam fly that is local and extremely popular year around.
I’ll be pretty busy tomorrow with classes and such so I’ll check the forum when I get home in the evening (around 10pm central) and I’ll close signups and we’ll roll with however many we have.
Have a great Monday!
I’m not sure what I am going to tie, trying out some recipes yet. So I can’t say as far as trying to estimate space, but don’t worry Wes, I wouldn’t dream of crushing anyone’s flies, especially the fine hand-tied creations I know that everyone will tie. I have lots of little boxes and in the event that the flies don’t fit, I’ll package them up in something suitable so they are adequately protected and arrive as though they were straight off the vise! How does that sound?
And if you don’t have any suitable containers, just send the flies along and I’ll take care of it. Just send enough stamps or something to cover postage and I’ll mail the extra back to you with the flies.
Glad to hear you guys got some flies decided, lol and here’s me being the indecisive one. No worries, they’re gonna be great!
Ah man, Ya snooze ya lose around here. I’ve been so busy building a new work/storage shed I haven’t been reading all the posts and missed out on a swap I wanted to play in. Oh well. Maybe next time.
OK the best I can do size wise, is one on a TMC 300 size #4, and the other on a Mustad 33903 size #8. Both primarily of foam. Even thought the hooks are only 2 sizes apart the flies will look like they are Sampson and Goliath since the TMC 300 is a 6XL. Both very different patterns as well.