Fish Skin Flash Back Pheasant Tailed Nymph!

You find some really strange things in my local Angling Emporium and yesterday was no exception. I was looking for Nymph Skin but it was not stocked, Latex yes, but Nymph Skin no.

“What about using Fish Skin?”
“We have fish skins in the coarse section”
“Lemme see them!”

Sure enough there was a peg full of prepared fish skins and one in particular caught my eye with it’s MOP iridescence and at 1.85, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So a Sawyer’s PTN variant with Fish Skin and Peacock Herl is the result.

Yeah, the body needs more taper and you cannot see the effect of the fish skin, I know, but it gives that required flash back effect in natural light.

Looking at the skin, it is a cross between an oil slick and mother of pearl and I am sure that it will find it’s way into a few more patterns before the season gets going!

View of F.S.F.B. on a size 12 Kamasan B830

Maaaaaaannn … you guys get all the kewl stuff!!

Here is a simple buzzer from a strip of the fish skin with peacock herl.

At this magnification you can just see the effect of the iridescence and the tying flaws!


Interesting looking stuff. Actual fish skin? What will they think of next?


On the other side of the pond they have some great materials, as well as some very innovative fly dressers.

My friend, Roddy, and I have done some material trades from time to time and I’ve gotten some new stuff to play with.

By the way, Roddy, the tea was excellent and the bags worked a treat.


Ah ha!!! Roddy is who you got the tea from!!! I’ve been trying to find an English/Irish friend ever since you posted that!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

<Actually we have a wonderful Brit shop in Lawrence, where I can find the “thick” bagged teas, tea pots and jams. Love that place! But they don’t have “regular” fly tying materials!>