BB member kglissmeyer fished Silver Creek last week. Thought you all might enjoy a picture of his hand.
That thing in it goes about 24".
BB member kglissmeyer fished Silver Creek last week. Thought you all might enjoy a picture of his hand.
That thing in it goes about 24".
Wow, thats a great fish, thanks for posting it.
All the best.
Wow great fish!!! What was the monster caught on? Great job!
That’s a nice fish you got there. Thanks for sharing the photo. Jim
Wondeful shot of kglissmeyer’s hand. He could be a hand model as long as he’s holding fatties like that. Great fish!
Nice manicure!
Awesome fish!
Since I’m the one who caught the fish and took the pic I’d better give some more info. This was my first trip to Silver Creek and I was fairly aprehensive with all of the hype about it being such a “tough” water to fish. I ended the day with 12 bows from 17"-19" and two browns, the largest is the one in the posted photo. Just a tad over 24" and I guessed him to be around 8 lbs +/-. 9 of 14 trout (including the pig) were caught on a bug-eyed, unweighted bunny streamer in a yellow-olive color, size 8, very short-shanked hook. The others were caught on an olive scud of my own creation in a size #14, using my patented Spring Creek method of presentation.
A great day and a great water to fish. Saw only two other anglers; one of the two we saw was a real jerk with an attitude that the entire stretch of water (if not the entire river) was his; there’s always one…
Thanks for sharing John!
Went up to the braided channels at Henry’s Fork this afternoon. Thought I would try that “hand” thing that Kelly does so well.
Hmmmmmmm. Somehow it just doesn’t seem the same. Manicure maybe ??
Nice try buddy, but I’ll take your day on the water to my day in the office anytime no matter the size, number or type. It’s long been said that a day on the river definitely trumps a year in the office!
Keep it coming.
It could be that your nails need a buffing before being photographed. I did notice that, for some strange reason, Kelly’s finger tips don’t show. That might account for the difference in appearance.
PS. Still a lovely, though somewhat smaller, trout.
That fish looks like it could chew the rivets off the Titanic’s hull. What a beast!
Where can a person find the sort of fingerless fleece gloves that are shown in the posted photos? I’m still using an old worn-out pair of Patagonia fingerless gloves. I don’t think Patagonia makes those anymore; I didn’t see them in their on-line catalog.
“Better small than not at all.”
p.s.: I suggest burning the fish photo onto a CD, taking it to a photo processing shop and having it enlarged and printed on matte paper. Either an 11" x 14" or a 16" x 24" enlargement would be great. After you get this poster-sized photo back, have it mounted on foam board then hang that bad boy on your wall for visitors to drool over.
Joe, the gloves are available at most Sportsman’s Outlet stores. They even make some that are lined with Thinsulate.
My son works for a print shop in Idaho Falls and last night brought home a copy of my bad-boy brown in a 20" x 26" size mounted on foam for hanging in my office - are you two telepathic?
One thing to note about that big fish: the browns are spawning at Silver Creek and anglers are asked not to target them at this time of year - that goes without saying when it comes to any spawning trout. As my original reply retold the day’s catch you’ll note that I wasn’t fishing to this particular fish, but I was throwing streamers and caught mostly nice rainbows - not that I’m complaining about the brute!
Thanks all for the great comments about a fish that makes for lifetime memories.
Hey KG, heck of a fish! A buddy and I have been talking about taking a road trip to Silver Creek for a few years. Hopefully I’ll get over the hill and fish there after Christmas. Do you live near Silver Creek?
flybop -
Thought I would jump in here in case Kelly doesn’t see your post. I am virtually certain that Silver Creek is subject to the general season, which closes 11-30 and doesn’t reopen until Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. Just a heads up, so you check the regs before you get too excited and / or invest too much time preparing.
P.S. Rigby is about 135 miles one way from Silver Creek, mostly on so-so two lane highway.
Joe -
Another source for fingerless fleece gloves is Simms. They have several models of varying fleece quality, from basic fleece up to windstopper.
If you want to support a local fly shop, support ours - Jimmy’s All Seasons Angler 208-524-7160. Jimmy has a good selection of gloves, and will do mail orders.
John, you are right about the season on Silver. That’s too bad cause this is the best time of year for us to do a few day trip. However, Siver has been on my to do list for a while now. Thanks for the heads up.
I have a cousin that lived in Rigby for a few years. He put me up for the night when I came down to IF to pick up my Clacka. The South Fork is on my list too.
The South Fork is open for fishing year round. A good stretch of it is only accessible by drift boat, and for all practical purposes is closed because of low flows and / or snow and ice at the ramps. Another good stretch of it is open for fishing, but the road used for access is closed by the Forest Service to protect winter habitat for a large elk herd in the area. Go figure.
That leaves a lot of water that is open and accessible over the winter - so the season is really dictated by weather and your tolerance for winter conditions.
P.S. Henry’s Fork is open year round from just southwest of Ashton ( Vernon Bridge ) to the confluence with the South Fork, and the mainstem Snake river is also open year round.