extending running line.

Awhile ago I bought an old medalist with some old brown line on it. For some reason I thought it was a level fly line and cut about 40ft from the end of the running line, thinking I could make short sinking heads(assuming dark brown would indicate a sinking line). Yesterday I was cleaning up and noticed that it was a tapered WF line so I tried it out and it casts great only problem is that is very short now like 45’ wondering what the best way would be to re-attach the running line?

Use an epoxy splice. Thread a piece of unwaxed dental floss inside one section of line. Strip about an inch of coating off the other section. Pull the dental floss through a puddle of 20 minute epoxy to get enough on it to carry the epoxy into the first section of line. Soak the cleaned off tip of the second part in epoxy and pull it into the core of the first section of line. When the coating meets the coating of the first part, trim the dental floss. Hold strainght until the epoxy sets. Done!

It sounds harder than it really is.


It’s probably not worth it in this case but lines can spliced in the same way that steelheaders first made their custom intergrated lines

The adjoining sections need to be cut at a long taper of an inch or more and then glued and sewn together
Then the whole area is overwrapped with thread as if you were wrapping a guide
Then the wrapped section is also covered with the flexible adhesive

Lotta work for ‘some old brown line’

Are you sure it wasn’t a silk line?

thanks for the tips not silk it’s a almost seems vinyl can see spirals going up the line?. Casts really well.

Take an 8 inch section of braided mono. Insert the ends of the fly line until they meet in the middle. Trap the end of the braid at each end to the flyline with a nail knot tied using 10 lb mono. Coat nail knots with a light coating of pliobond or Loon Knot Sense.

The nail knots trap the mono so it will exert a Chinese finger trap effect on the fly line and grip it tight under pressure. This splice will be stronger than the original line and is very quick to install. I have repaired many broken flylines this way. If you feel that you need to prevent water from wicking into fly line, seal the cut ends with small drop of super glue.