Excel Leader Calculator

I recently had to reimage my computer and I lost a lot of important stuff. One of the things I am trying to recover was an Exel spreadsheet that I belive I downloaded from FAOL that had a ton of leader calcs on it. If anyone has that I would appriciate it if you could forward it to me. I did a search and cant find it.

You might want to try:

You find the link there.

Yeah I saw that one too but that is not the one I was looking for. I am hoping I have it on my computer at home. If I do I will post it.

The IT dept said they would save all my important stuff… I guess they dont tie their own leaders…lol

I have a leader formula spreadsheet and some hook conversions in Excel if you are interested. Please PM e-mail address and I’ll send them along. The leader spreadsheet includes 7.5’ 9’ and heavy butt. The conversions are between:

  Mustad  Signature   Mustad   Tiemco  Eagle Claw  VMC  Daiichi  Orvis  Partridge