…when you can. We care about you and would like to know if you are alright or need help. Has anyone heard from Jack or Warren lately?
It is going to get nasty in the east this weekend from the same system so lets all check in on occasion please. Maybe I am paranoid but I remember Xenia Ohio:
All of you attending the event in Virginia keep and eye on the sky please. Also is there anyone who can check on our members in the upper Midwest flooding?
I should have known you would check on us and I thank you for doing so. Our area of TN just received a lot of rain and some wind, but, nothing out of the normal. The major bad part of the storm went North of our area towards KY. Like you, I hope all are well that were in the path of the bad storms.
Last I heard is that mnklagoon (chris) is OK. Tornado hit his town, but for now he’s OK. I understand they’re looking for another round of whirlwinds. He has my prayers.
It’s just rolling in on us now in the Atlanta area. Only thunder, lightning and rain so far, but the worst of it is supposed to hit from midnight until 4am. Thanks for your thoughtful concerns and I’ll check back in the morning.
West central Mo. is just wet and getting colder, lower 30’s by morning. I’m worried about our folks in southern Kansas and Ok. They had several bad storms roll through there. Our thoughts and prayers go out for them, take care, John
I can’t speak for all of the Atlanta area, but we came through just fine. Most of the thunder and lighting stayed west of us (I live just south east of Atlanta). THanks again for your thoughtful concern for those in the path of these violent storms.
Very happy to hear you didn’t get hurt. Now that I know you’re OK, how is the weather going to mess up the fishing? Maybe a train trip from me to you. I’d do almost anything to fish 9 or 10 out of the only 12 months we have. I’m so jealous. Oh ya. I remember life at Keesler AFB in Biloxi. I had great fun there, even as a GI in the Army.
Happy you’re OK.
Charlaine, you don’t understand, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, North Texas and Oklahoma are going to get hit every year, several times. Write down April 5 on your calendar and see it somewhere in those state doesn’t get it with a tornado, give or take a day. A friend had a job offer in Tupelo several years ago and ask me about living there. I told him there were only two bad things about Tupelo, 1) it’s a relatively small city it’s hard to find a good job there. 2) At least one tornado will touch down within 10 miles of the downtown area. The way you tell natives from people who move there is natives have storm shelters.
close call for the people in the york, lancaster area of Pennsylvania last night. I am hoping that bamboozle and some of our otther members in that area are ok today. twister wnt from york county across the river into lancaster county. hop Jerry Brumfield (Dot Man) is ok too.
if you are talking about twisters you best be talking Texas. Ft Hood is right smack in the middle of the bottom of tornado alley. F4-F5 twisters are not uncommon in the area but it’s pretty romote so you don’t hear much about them. What I can’t fathom is whey they let them build mobile home parks int those areas. That is asking for it!
Last place you ever want to see a twister is coming through the same mountain pass that you are using with your flight of scout helicopters. Been there, done that. Very nearly got killed by it. Had I been in a fixed wing I would not be here today. Micro burst plummeted us down over 1800 feet in less than 10 seconds. Well beyound the safe maximum verticle speed for our aircraft. Yes we personally wrote thank you letters to the folks at Bell Helicopter. They may have equipment built by the lowest bidder but dang they build the best equipment in the world!
Thanks for the concern, all is well around here. Lots of rain, wind, thunder and lightening. The streams are raging and will be for awhile. Good thing I went fishing on Thursday.
I hope everyone stays safe throughout the storm season.
mnklagoon, saw your comments on Keesler AFB, brought back memories. I was there twice, first in '62 as student in Airborne Nav., aids, then as instructor in same in '68thru '71. Have bad memories of August '69 and Hurricane Camille, she was NOT a lady. Y’all take carer, John.
I was away on a fishing trip, (imagine that ;)) in Monroe County from Thursday until yesterday. The Poconos and my wife & home in the southeast were lucky enough to just get bombarded with moderate to heavy rain that killed half our Saturday and blew out everything for Sunday. I was unaware just how bad things were elsewhere.
We only lost a day and a half of fishing, a whole lot of folks lost a whole lot more. My heart goes out to them!
Glade everyone is doing well. Jerry really great to see you post again. I really miss seeing you on the board.
Everything is still blown out up this way but I will be on the water tomorrow regardless. So I will just have to catch them on that old muddy water stand by the fly no self respecting fly fisher ever admits to using but on occasion does the Pistol Pete!
Hey it works. Vibration of the blade and all that.