
The following has been pointed out to me…QQcmdZViewItem
I hope you can get it OK .

I tried the link, and it didn’t work for me.

Me either.

I am very sorry for something you can not “retreave” , try the following then type in “scottish estate”

so did you look into this and determine if it is lagit? on face value it seems like a novel way for a conservancy to make money and keep the land from being developed. and a title of Lord and Master would be cool.

49.95/sf man thats over 2mill an acre.

This is nothing new, about ten or fifteen years ago the same scam was being touted.
It is a load of codswallop. A laird in Scotland was someone who owned his land, no matter how pathetically useless it was, so the so-called title has been just as worthless for hundreds of years.
Maybe I should start dividing up my back garden in 12"x12" squares, or I could make more money by dividing it into 1"x1" squares. At least it would give my neighbours a good laugh. :lol:

Now who would want to develop a peat bog half way up a mountain.
Scotland is full of either stoney ground or peatbogs, which is the main reason so many of us emmigrated to the cities or overseas, if it could be used for anything we would have found a way, of course this gentleman seems to have thought of a way. I believe somebody is selling shares in the Empire State building and Golden Gate bridge.

“codswallop”…I like that. Reminds me of Buffalo Bollucks when I was a wee chap!

Thanks for the memories…


Ha ha I loved “codswallop”… Is that like horse hockey? … Thanks Donald for the information.

However as usless as the plot of land and accompaning documents would be, I am willing to bet that lots of people who get those documents will proudly hang them on their wall, tell all their friends that they are a laird and get $49.95 or more worth of pleasure out of doing so.

Of course with a little creativity one could reproduce similar looking documents on their computer , hang them on the wall and no-one here in North America would be any the wiser. :lol: :lol: :lol: :shock:

If this is a legitimate project by a conservancy group to save some valuable land it seems like a novel way to accomplish it . However you are right in pointing out that it may just be some gigantic scam.

I suppose my reaction to this whole thing is tempered by my having recieved a “deed” to a square inch of arizona desert from a cerial box as a child in the 1950’s. I proudly hung my "certificate of land ownership " to my bedroom wall and got immence pleasure out of it for years.

Just My opinion, its possable that I could be wrong I suppose, however unlikely that may be.

The title might be a load of cow pies but the fishing rights to a mile on the River Spean might be something. Fishing rights don’t come cheap in the UK. Anyone know if that has any legitimate value?

i believe the value is in the fishing rights not the land ownership. if this is a ligit conservacy offering. i wouldn’t care if ,y 1 sq ft was a rock if i were able to fish all the land in the conservancy.

If you want to buy a square foot of something worthwhile, go to the Laphroaig Whiskey web site. Become a "friend of Laphroaig and they give you a square foot of Islay. It may be in a peat bog, but it’s yours. If and when you visit Islay they pay you rent for your property, a dram of the world’s finest whiskey !! Lots of other nice things on the site…Jim Clarke

It is legitimate and not a scam.

It is simply a conservation means by which this land is “sold” at a higher than market price to enable it to be “locked up” for conservation purposes.

The advertising clearly states this and the title of “Laird” is very “tongue in cheek” and just some humour really. The fishing rights are genuine but I don’t know if there are any fish there…

I was fishing in New Zealand with a Scotsman recently and he is familiar with the area in point, and stated that it was legitimate too.

Lord Christopher of Lochbar.

Nobody said it was not legitimate, it is just that as a Scotsman living in Scotland, and having been around the world a bit in my time, I can’t take it very seriously. Anybody who wants to waste their time and money on it is welcome to, no skin off my nose. If you want to be a ‘bonnet laird’, go ahead.

‘Mony a mickle maks a muckle, lang may yer lum reek and where’s that tin of shortbread gone?’

I really could do with a dram!

Well said Donald , Tight lines . What a pity you never went “into” the Gaelic

Brian :lol:

so did you look into this and determine if it is lagit?

This is nothing new, about ten or fifteen years ago the same scam was being touted.
It is a load of codswallop.

If it helps conserve some land and stream environs, I do not think it is a “waste of time and money” Donald, so I am for it. It’s different, and a bit of fun.

Have a dram, and loosen up!

On the subject of lairds, here is a wee addition for the really keen or desparate.

I thought any gentleman (or lady) with aspirations to lairdship, should view the following poem by Lady Nairn (Caroline Oliphant)

The next is a parody, although to be fair, Lady Nairn’s poem was hardly meant to be serious.

Any language problems can probably be solved by the following:-

Now where is that bottle of Ardbeg…