I know many of you have spent time listening to the podcasts available on this website (askaboutflyfishingdotcom). I’ve listenend to most of the shows here and some of them twice and I just thought that I’d recommend one to the group here. Not necessarily because of the fishing techniques shared (although they’re great) but because of the fly fishing philosophies that the guest, Eric Pettine, shares. The topic of the show is Effective Nymphing Techniques for Streams and Rivers. Eric seems to be the most friendly and genuine guests they’ve had on the show and I learned more about fly fishing in general than any other of the shows I’ve listened to or articles I’ve read.
Eric expresses a number of times the necessity to make fly fishing your own and not rely so much on what other people do. I find myself reading things on the internet or here at FAOL and take it as gospel, when really that aint the case. He seems to really be a believer in learning things for yourself and it seems that everyone else you read or listen to seem to think that what they do is the ‘do all end all’ of fishing. This show has kind of reinforced to me how important it is to learn things the “old fashioned way.”
You can hear the show here:http://www.askaboutflyfishing.com/speakers/eric/eric.cfm
I think also that these thoughts could go hand in hand with Neil Travis’s article: “Why?” Once we know why we fly fish, we can really make it our own thing and do things the way WE think are best, that makes sense to us!