I think most stuff is alloy now anyway. Lead in the environment can be harmful.
On the other hand, the very minuscule amount of lead that may be introduced to the waters by the few fly fisherman who may be using lead beadheads on their nymphs is negligible. I would think is it hardly worth our Civil Servants time to even bother making it illegal. It sort of ruffles my feathers when I see signs on the Cumberland River going through Knoxville that say not to eat the fish, because Champion Paper is legally allowed to dump their toxic refuse into the river in NC. Or the signs at Lake Tellico, Fort Louden Lake, Nickajack, and other bodies of water, warning not to eat many fish because of mercury poisoning. And the companies are allowed pollute legally, yet, they want me not to use lead sinkers??? If they really want to do something for the environment, why cant they stop the industrial and commercial polluters? Make them clean up their act!
A lot of people are under the mistaken impression that the EPA enforces Environmental Laws, but they don’t. All they do is enforce beauracratic Paperwork laws. They simply issue permits to companies that pollute, as long as the fees are paid. There is no oversight, Investigation dept. or enforcement activity, unless a company doesn’t turn in their paperwork or pay the fees. Environmental Laws, when they are enforced at all, are handled usually by the Forestry Dept., Fish and Wildlife Depts, etc… of the various states.
When anything ever does get done, it is done through the courts, by private citizen groups filing regular lawsuits, usually after some catastrophic public health issue has come up…sort of like closing the barn door after the horse got out. And on the rare occasion when they do win, the fines are a mere pittance, and business goes on as usual.
I’ll make a deal with the bureaucrats…they make Champion, and other polluters like them stop polluting, and clean up the damage they have done, then they can come to me about not using lead sinkers, and we may talk. Until then, I’ll be writing letters, making phone calls and putting my elected officials on notice that if a ban passes, they will lose my vote, and as many others as I can take from them come next election.
Sorry about the soapbox thing, but this is the ‘Sound Off board…’