Environmentalist's Lynch Mob


what a miserable nightmare!

Absolutely incredible…that’s all I can say. What will these enviro-nazis do next? Is the state going to appeal this decision before caving in to the wackos?

What will the enviro-nazi’s do next; any damn thing we let them. We’ve gone along these past 50 years with the, “it really doesn’t effect me, so let them have it” attitude, so here we are. And, this attitude has effected ALL facets of our “used to be” society.

What did one commentator say recently; the past “event” was like millions of turkeys applauding for Thanksgiving.

Don’t have to give them their inch, they’ve taken their mile and they’re running with it. what’s the definition of “terrorism”: a few using tactics to scare or intimidate the many into compliance…

T-h-i-n-k a-b-o-u-t i-t.


The late George Carlin said it best: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eScDfYzMEEw

And I for one, embrace his rational approach to this insanity. Wackos…

What would you expect from crazed lunatics! These people are nuts. I sure hope Nobama can keep them at bay. Just be glad we didn’t have Gore as President!

Take your recreation $$ to another state. Don’t visit Kaifornia until they start begging on their knees for tourist $$. The idiots are NUTS! Let them sleep in the bed they made. I’ve had to here with enviro-nuts. They are a BIG reason this economy is in the tank!!

Let me tell you this has nothing to do with “fishing” nor the frogs. This is an attack on RECREATION. They attacked us dirt bikers for years. I guess they have turned on fishermen now. Make no mistake this is about trying to stop recreation. They could care less about the frogs.

of the state in the article I am and have for years been appalled by the environmentalists attempts to control the planet.
A number of years ago we were told that the golden trout stocking in the high sierras would have to stop because they (golden trout) were a danger to the yellow legged frog. So are mountain garter snakes and burrowing owls. Maybe even pacific rattlesnakes. You don’t see those people up there squasing snakes and birds. I think its all hogwash. Just one more way for the tree huggers to stop us from doing something we love to do where we love to do it.
The article that spawned this thread says 1/3 of the license fees in CA goes to the fish hatcheries and stocking programs. The Governator has taken away a lot of that money and put it in the general fund. He is not friendly to outdoors types. The result of that has been the closing and cutbacks of hatcheries statewide. The stocking program should not be cut back to protect critters that are genetically bound to pass the way of the dinosaur. Jim

Very disturbing to see this happen anywhere. The eco-whacks have an ulterior motive on most of the suits they file. They are trying to remove “the public” from public lands so they can have their own private playground. It really isn’t about the frogs–it’s about denying access. This is only the beginning of the suits over this particular situation. They also choose sympathetic judges and not only do they win the suit, they are awarded their legal fees to be paid for by the government entity. The taxpayers get drilled twice–They have to pay the legal fees of the enviros who have pushed the people out. Defenders of Wildlife and The Center for Biological Diversity use the Southern Environmental Law Center as their legal arm. It is a fund raiser, a money machine that pays their salaries and keeps them going.

Do a google search—Southern Environmental Law Center lawsuits against the National Parks Service and see what you come up with. You might get as mad as I am right now.:mad:

a true and genuine environmentalist would never do something like this. He or she would explore the real reason for the frog decline which is happening all over the country and in places where there are no fish. Frogs and pollywogs spend most of there lives in shallow water. How many trout live in three or four inches of water? Not many and rarely if ever. These are not environmentalists, they are jerks.

That is ridiculous. I am sure they are a minority, but it is a shame that so few in number can rule the rest of us.

of California really is a fly fisherman…he and his wife frequented a well-known lodge near Victor Montana. He fished for trout on the Bitterroot with the same guide we used. We were told he is not a ‘beginner.’ Perhaps there is more to the story?

I think that about half of the problems this country is encountering is the result of the judicial system of the 9th circuit. I don’t know what has to happen to obliterate it, but I’d line up to see it happen.


Complete List: http://dfg.ca.gov/news/stocking/

For some reason this stinks like the whole peta “fishing is cruel” campaign. Maybe it’s the same thing wearing different clothing? The whole argument smacks of idiocy. Obviously no one bothered to listen to the experts from the DFW…

I agree that he can fish. He’s just not friendly to non blue ribbon waters in the state he wants to control. I don’t claim to understand budget balancing and running a state. As a taxpayer and a contributor to the economy of this state I feel shafted by some of his actions.

www.fishsniffer.com/dbachere/080115budgetcuts.html ?

This article says some of it. Jim

Not likely. Don’t have anything more to work with than the articles that Doug linked. BUT …

The story seems pretty simple. The CA DFG is in violation of a law ( CEQA ) enacted some time ago by the CA legislature. A group with the right and standing to challenge the DFG on the violation did so in an appropriate court. The judge on the case saw the merits of the the challenge. The DFG agreed it was in violation of the law and voluntarily settled for what it thought was a very good deal after what it described as tough negotiations.

There are numerous stories, some true and some fictional, some in history, some in literature, and some in the movies about lynch mobs that got it wrong and hung the wrong person because they didn’t take time to look at the facts and the law. Somehow this thread reminds me of those lynch mob stories.


Not a lot of thought or planning went into many of the planting programs. What do we get? Overpopulated stunted brook trout, browns preying on natives, planted rainbows pushing out and interbreeding with the native cutts, redbands, and goldens, striped bass eating anything they can run down including native salmon smolts…the list goes on. An environmental impact report before a fish planting program sounds like good planning.


I would invite everyone to join this organization. They fight stuff like this all the time.:

They support responsible use of OUR public lands.