Englishman lost in Baltimore

I have a conference to attend next week but I have skillfully planned a spare day!Any thoughts on possible places to fish.I am from England so am very happy to fish for non trout species if these are available.I know I need a permit so if there are recommended shops to visit , please advise.Thank you in advance for any help
Rob Hartley


First of all IF you like a pint now and then and some Yank’s attempts at cask conditioned English ales and even bangers & mash; stop at the [Wharf Rat[/url:089d7] which is right across from the Convention Center on Pratt Street. Every trip I make to Baltimore BEGINS at the Wharf Rat.

[url=http://baltimore.citysearch.com/profile/4998779/baltimore_md/tochterman_s_fishing_tackle.html:089d7]Tochterman’s Fishing Tackle[/url:089d7] while not a really a fly shop is definitely worth a visit and isn’t far from the Wharf Rat. They do have fly tackle and PLENTY of conventional gear and they are really nice folks too. They also have all the proper licenses or permits.

There is plenty of salt water fishing nearby but if it’s trout you’re after; the local hot-spot is the Gunpowder. Here is a link to some Maryland fishing info.

[url=“http://www.totalflyfishing.com/index.php/fly-fishing-destinations/maryland”]http://www.totalflyfishing.com/index.ph … s/maryland](http://www.thewharfrat.com/:089d7)

BTW; IF you are planning to trout fish; make sure to have some patterns that imitate a mayfly we call the Sulphur. It is a size 16 generally although larger or smaller flies may also appear. It has a medium to dark grey wing, a yellow to yellowish orange body, and either light grey or yellow hackle for the tails and hackle. I’m sure there are LOTS of patterns out there for a “Sulphur” but I just tie a general mayfly in that color scheme.

They hatch around dusk with spinner activity an hour before. You will be here during prime time.

Have fun in our country and good luck!

Cheers mate!


The Gunpowder is a wonderful tailwater trout fishery( 30 minutes north of Baltimore, just up I-83) with native browns and some stocked rainbows in the very top region above Falls Road. Check out the website for the Backwater Angler, http://www.backwaterangler.com/. Give Theaux, Rockey and Jason a call. They will set you right!



The Gunpowder is about 30 minutes or less (depending on where you are at in the city) north of Baltimore off of Interstate 83. Here are a couple fly shops that can point you in the right direction. Great Feathers http://www.greatfeathers.com I am partial to them because they carry my products and further north is BackWater Anglerhttp://www.backwaterangler.com/

Have fun.


Go West young man. Deep Creek Lake area of far Western Md.
3-hour drive.

No need to drive anywhere except north to the Gunpowder. 35 minutes max to the farthest access point, barring parking-lot-esque traffic that can be encountered during normal rush hours.

3wt or 4wt rod recommended, try sulphur emergers and elk hair caddis during the day. Fish 6X or 7X fluoro. Plenty of fine stretches to sate your appetite for good fishing. Most of the tailwater is within the Gunpowder Falls State Park, which is free (though the fishing license is not!), and therefore access is plentiful.

My favorite combo right now would be a #14-#16 EHC with a green weenie dropper.

I agree with the other Marty, the excellent dudes at www.backwaterangler.com will take care of you. They are closed today (Wednesday) but are open all other days of the week. The flow right now is great, the weather is just fine, and the fish are looking up my friend.


I am partial to [url=http://www.greatfeathers.com:11d2e]Great Feathers[/url:11d2e] also. Being English, I think you will like all the English fly tying stuff they carry (even if you aren’t shopping for it :wink: ) and they will get you set up with flies and on the river for sure.

The other guys are right, the fishing are looking up big time on the Gun. I imagine you will have a blast!

I have to echo the above comments about the Gunpowder. Well worth the trip. Deep Creek is nice, but quite a long drive - 3 hours with no traffic, could be a great deal more.

There used to be weekly fishing reports for the Atlantic, eastern shore , Susky & the Chesapeake, the upper & lower Potomac, the branches of the Shenandoah along with the trout streams all in the area newspapers diferent days. Washington Post was in Fridays, Washington Times was in Thursdays & the Baltimore Sun was in Saturdays edition 8)

Thank you all, now I have to persuade the prettier half of my life she wants to shop for a day whilst I go fishing.At $2 to the ? , shouldn’t be too hard!


Rub it in why don’t ya! Have fun, Mike’s suggestion of checking out Great Feathers is wise. I do forget about them from time to time, but it’s every bit as nice a place as BWA. Always good to support the local businesses.

You can drop off your better half at the shops in Hunt Valley (on the way to the Gunpowder) and she’ll have enough to keep her busy for a while.

Give us a report if it’s not asking too much, and good luck to you.


You asked for a report but unfortunately US Air decided to steal my spare day with what turned out to be a 17 hour travelling delay. Thank you again for all the suggestions and they are now stored for the next trip-which WILL be with British Airways!

Sorry to hear that Rob. I travel a lot, and several of my colleagues and I will not travel US Air unless it is a last resort.

Wish you better luck!