Emroidery Yarn

I recently was given 57 skeins of yarn. I believe it is all acrylic but have not tested it nor am I going to. There is every color imaginable and then some. I cannot use all of this in several lifetimes.

If you will pm me, I will send each requestor 5 ft. lengths of all 57 colors. If there is a big response please allow me time to cut and send. I will do this until I run out. I would just please ask not to specify colors. This is a give away. Tyer’s classes please feel free to respond.

rookie…would this be the same as “punch yarn”?

Hi Duckster,

I believe this might be better described as knitting yarn. The one label describes it as 4 ply fiber with the bulk of real wool. I could possibly try to post a picture if that would help although I haven’t posted a pic in so long I will have to reacquaint myself on “how to”.

Hey, Steve ,you are doing enough…don’t go to any more trouble.

emboidry yarn is what some people use to create pictures on material such as shirts, hankerchiefs, etc… by placing the material in a wooden hoop and then using the embroidry yarn and a needle, a patern or picture is created by sewing with the yarn… excellent for tying weaved fly paterns or use as a body on a wet fly… if i didnt have a lot of the yarn meself i would jump on the offer…

I used it years ago to make jig bodies and caught many fine fish.
Even today I use it for soft hackle bodies. It can be used for many flies.

Even if you guys have plenty and just want more, I will be happy to send. I know a lot of guys teach classes and foot the bill themselves, so would gladly send enough for students as well. Just let me know.

Guys, if it’s 4-ply yarn (crewel, embroidery, etc) the plys can be easily separated into 4 separate yarn strands.

This is best used for woven bodies – particularly stonefly and dragonfly nymphs. Usually it is 6 strand and you have to separate it into 3 strand for smaller hooks but using a standard weave you can create some realistic looking bodies that are nearly indestructible for fishing purposes.
If I can get decent pics of mine I’ll post them.

here is some i done…

Hi rookie,

PM sent. luv working with wool yarns. allot of great patterns with wool.


Thank you for the responses. I had better get these orders out before taking any more. If I have some left after filling these orders, I will be glad to share more.

Hi rookie,

the yarn came in today’s mail … WOW!! now that’s a generous amount of yarn :smiley: Thanks a bunch. It’ll be put to good use over the next fews weeks. got some great panfish patterns that this yarn will fit the bill quiet nicely. So many different things you can do with this type of yarn.

Much appreciated,

I’ll take some if you have any left. I’ll send my address via PM



Okay, I retract the request for the pillory. You obviously bribed someone at the Post Office at great personal expense, because my care package arrived today. Very generous amount of yarn and a bunch or great colors. Thanks, Buddy.


There’s enough yarn here to crochet an afghan!! Beautiful yarn, Rookie!! Thank you!

Dropped everything after reading the above posts to go to the mailbox…mine arrived too…thanks a bunch!:D:D

Glad everyone likes. I didn’t even put a dent in the amount. Still have a few orders to fill.

Glad to be able to “pay it forward”. I sure have had some kindnesses thrown my way.:smiley:

Great looking flies Bugman…love them!!! :smiley:

For additional ideas I suggest you look at Al Campbell’s articles in this forum . Hr proposes using punch yarn for several patterns. It’s great stuff and the price can’t be beat.