Does anyone know where i can buy the glue sticks to make the glue eggs?
i’ve seen them at cabelas. can’t you just use a reg. stick? my craft store has some colored ones for 10 cents a piece
I buy mine (2.50 each)from my local orvis store(250 miles away). the closest craft store(about 251 miles away) is too far, so i guess the best deal is whatever is closest to you…
Didnt know they make colored one at craft stores. I’ll give it a try.
feather craft has em
Most fly material suppliers carry them. The craft stores have colored ones but they don’t stock the ‘salmon roe’ ‘fireball’ ‘amber’ and other colors I like for fishing.
You can mix colors with some success, just squirt small blobs onto a smooth hard surface (like glass) and mix while still warm. Scrape the cooled blob off and cut it into little pieces. Impale a small piece on a pin and gently heat it by holding it next to (not above) the flame of a lighter. Once the glue has formed a round ball dunk it into a glass of water for a quick cool down. Remove the ball and impale it onto a hook. Reheat the glue to make sure it sticks to the hook.
Some times they are refered to as MOE (mother of epoxy) sticks, based on the name of the origonal egg pattern, the MOE egg.