My wife (the boss, the big cheese, the uber Frau, the Kahuna) asked me to donate something to the local education foundation raffle. For fear that this is of limited interest I’m looking for suggestions. So far I have a Wicker creel, a wooden net, a pair of polarized sun glasses, A Salmon fly tied in school colors Suspended in a glass ornament,a selection of hand tied flies, a DVD copy of the “movie” and a choice of one of the following 4hours of spring Steelehead fishing on the Menomonee river below Miller Park, Bass and Blugill fishing from Canoe (local no motor Lake), or a tying session. Am I missing anything that would make this of a broader appeal? Thanks Robb H.
Uber Frau? Funny. I couldn’t help but add my wifes title. When we lived on a sailboat for four years and sailed around the Pacific, more often than not someone would say to me…“Your the Captain of your boat, right? Yes I would reply, but my wife is the Admerial” Is your raffle on line?
No it’s a raffel where people go from item to item and drop a ticket in the box for the item. It would be very disconcerting to not have any tickets for my item when they opened it up, but then I’d just have to take myself fishing.Hmmmmmmmmm…
If it’s for a non-fly fishing raffle, you might consider making spinning rods as an item. I made a fly rod for our CURE ( silent auctions with hardly any bidding at all. Then I made a “river” rod and the folks went wild. Last year I made my second, a standard spinning rod and raised just under $100 with it. I’m just about done with a beautiful looking ultra light I’m hopeful will do as well, a neat two-piecer. Most of the population haven’t discovered rod nivirna, but recognize a spinning rod when they see one. Besides, I think the new challenge helped my fly rod work. JGW