Early seaspn Steelies?

I’ll be heading up to fish the Erie Tribs early next week and was just wondering if anyone has any reports? We ususally fish the Rocky and Chagrin. I’m sitting here starting to twitch. All I want to do is go home and start picking out flies. Have any of you ever fished Rummel’s Mini-Bugger? The fly shop down here highly recommends it.

I’ve never fished this early. Are the fish more aggressive at the start of the run? And if so, does anyone use Galloup’s big streamer method? Any other early season tips would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.

The rain we got should be a good thing and I’d hope that would bring some fish in. Check here for updates and reports on the rivers you mentioned:


Ohio’s fish are mostly of the spring run variety but that doesn’t keep fish from coming into the Ohio Tribs in the fall. They’ll be there if the water conditions are appropriate. Read as soon as the levels fall a bit after the most recent rain.

I know the bugger you mentioned. Seen it and I’m sure it will work along with dozens of other choices. Steelhead aren?t mysterious or generally anymore difficult to catch than any other trout. Fresh in from the lake they can be active and aggressive feeders. Streamer or other flies (like bugger, leeches, etc) fished with movement can be a very effective method. I personally like fishing nymphs and swinging wets this time of year. Other flies to try are various glo-bugs, comets, estaz eggs, sucker spawn, crystal meth, scrambled eggs, wets and streamers.

The fish can be very aggressive. Expect lots of strong runs, leaping and fighting during this time of year. A reel with a good drag is a must. I’d also recommend fluorocarbon leaders and tippet. Tie good knots and expect to loose some fish. It’s a great time of year to be out. Enjoy and let us know how you do.

I just came back from fishing PA near Erie and, all I can say about Wednesdays fishing is that is was downright incredible! Tons of fresh, hot chrome that never saw a fly before and acted aweful hungry!
The rain that lasted all day on Tuesday (while we fished the Cat in NY) allowed in all of the fish that couldn’t run up the rivers because of the drought. We still can’t figure out where the locals were on that absolutely fantastic Wednesday but they sure did show up the next day, a day late… and in force! By then, most of the fish had settled n any holes left as the water dropped and were surrounded by way too many fisherman.
Watch the weather and hit it when fresh rain comes in. We went to one of the river mouths earlier today before leaving for home and the fish were once again stacked up out there.

Here’s to good luck on your trip!