E.P. steelhead fly

just needs eyes but I am gonna get a few done and then use epoxy. i just head cemented until then! I used the flyfishohio recipe for this one! took me like 20 mins or so but I am starting to get this stuff! heres a the olive pink and white steelhead vatiation. I tried using white thread this time and once I put on the eyes shouldn’t be to noticable! the conehead makes the gap always. I tried not to but then the conehead wobbles around! this fly could prolly fish with out eyes its so dang cool! I am proud of myself hehe! I really need some mono thread tho! don’t think fish will mind tho for the time being! when this thing gets wet it looks like a perfect minnow shape! sweet!!! I trimmed the tail up better after the pic! took off some pink and white to even it up some

Looks like a good steelhead fly. I must started using some EP fibers tonight. So far I’ve made two flies with it. I think they will catch fish, but I am not happy with my technique just yet. I need to get a toothbrush to come out the fibers…I used a steel comb for mine, and I think it is not the best thing to use.