I have a question for the “do it yourselfers” out there. I was fortunate to harvest some deer this fall and dried some deer hair and also collected some pheasant feathers. Now when I go into a fly tying shop and pay 5 bucks or more for a small patch olive deer hair and some dyed pheasant feathers. Is there an easy way to get similar results @ home? Or should I just save my money and efforts and support my local flyshop.
I did a dear hide recently and was very pleased with the outcome. I dyed red, yellow, green, dk green, purple, orange and navy. PM me if you would like the instructions on my method. It was pretty easy.
My first thought too was that you were bringing up the end of the lifecycle. This is frequently given as a reason for keeping trout stocked in waters that get too warm in the summer. “They are going to die anyway.” And the fish are killed even though those hot summer days are 2-3 month away.
I had to go back and check my spelling of dyed. I got that part right, unfortunately I may have dyed the wrong “DEER” (dear). She’s going to be mad at me when she finds out she is a multitude of colors. :oops:
Are you talking about dying hair (or hare)?
Sorry couldn’t help it. :twisted:
Man, I hope you got the right (write) answer before this whole (hole) thread gets twisted.
Anymore homonyms we can throw out here (hear) or there (their they’re)?
Somebody stop me! I can’t bare (bear) it anymore.
Got so off track I forgot to give an answer. On a pinch, I tried some food coloring and warm water/vinegar (got the idea from dyeing eggs with the kids).
Worked well on a small deer patch.
Thanks for all the info. I will try a few batches this winter to tie clousers, hoppers and stones this summer. I will try a couple of the suggestions and see which one works best for me.
I wonder if different areas of the deer have more natural oils and the dye may not take as readily???
I guess I will find out
It’s fun, even when I screwed up nearly every thing I did. Got it right once with some acid on rabbit fur. Turned it yellow. Wonder who ever figured that out in the first place. :roll:
Kinda like who was the first to try eating frogs legs sort of thing…