dubbing with antron, sources for yarn

Any ideas on types of dubbing that include Antron? I need to tye some flies that call for the antron dubbing mix and was also considering making my own dubbing. But, are there any sources of partly antron yarn left? I’ve done some searches and come up with older discontinued types such as Dazzelaire, the book mailer I know still distributes a Sparkle Yarn…anyone have any thoughts on available yarns that could be used to make dubbing?

Maybe in the interest of time I should just buy pre mixed dubbing, anyone suggest a really good antron mixture & brand?



E-BAY, type aunt lydias yarn. 1 lot 64 skeins $54.00 1 lot 14 skeins 9 other lots or more.cheap-cheap

If I am not mistaken, Aunt Lydia’s is now 100% polyester. 0 antron, that’s not what I am looking for. Maybe I’ll just use pre-mixed dubbing? Any thoughts on really good dubbing sources?



Please do yourself a favor and get a small coffee grinder for under $15 dollars. Blending your own dubbing is both easy and fun. You can make any mix of materials that you want and get just the right color in no time at all. In less than 15 minutes, you can be knee deep in whatever type of dubbing you desire. Try it, you’ll like it! 8T :slight_smile:

I would agree with ET on the grinder and I use one too if I want something different. However It’s not that big of a deal to just buy some Antron dubbing and then you can use it straight or mix it into your other things very easy.

I got mine at Bob Marriott’s, but I would think some f the sponsors here would have that as well. I just buy some other things from Bob’s so I got the Antron at the same time. I try to hold off until I need or want a good bit of stuff and if you buy over $100 order shipping is free. However I would look through the list of sponsors here first.

Actually I have the Antron Yarn as well as 100% Antron dub. That way I just have anything I want to do with Antron covered. The dug is very nice looking stuff and anyone that caries Wapsi will most likely have the dub.

Good Luck


Hares ear plus from Hareline has hares ear and antron, dubs real nice :). There are lots of antron dubbings on eBay.

I have a grinder and I’d like to try making it myself, just need the raw materials to do it. I’ll check this out. Anyone have any experience with the Wapsi SLF dubbing? The Prism SLF seems to have a great selection of colors.


I like STS Trilobal dub… but this dubbing is pretty nice too.


Hi Again OSC,

I once watched a cajun cooking show where the chef was doing a demonstration of genuine cajun dishes. The audience was concerned because they couldn’t find the right sausage, crabs etc. The chef just responded with phrase, “Whatever you got.” Dubbing is a lot like that. If you want Antron in the mix, throw in some prepared Antron dubbing or cut up some Antron yarn, substitute poly yarn or in a pinch cut up a little Krystal flash for the grinder. It all works! Whatever you got! BTW, polar fiber or craft fur is wonderful in any dubbing mix if you want to change the tint, particularly with natural fur. For raw materials, “Whatever you got!” Have fun with your coffee grinder. 8T :slight_smile:

Tim, you might take a look at Ice Dub…one of my favorites…and it mixes well…

That looks like the Wapsi Antron I have. Also have some hareline Ice Dub, polar dub and STS as well as the SLF Prism and like it all. However don’t miss the Cascade Master Bright dub as well, nice stuff with lots of sparkle.

I use the Ice Dub a good bit either mixed or even by it self.

Looks like I have more than one man needs too LOL!


With everyone mentioning the use of a coffee grinder, it reminds me of my first attempts at mixing some dubbing. I put a couple of 4" pieces of yarn in mine and flipped the switch. It all just wrapped around the blade and I said, mine doesn’t work right. :wink:

Here is a good link for those new to the coffee grinder business that I found helpful:



My trout season ended yesterday, looks like it is going to be a loooong time until March and I will be tying a lot.


For small amounts of dubbing, get two heavy pet brushes and you can mix it that way. Use like carding brushes. That is how I mix up some color combinations.
As in all things like this keep a record of what you use so you can duplicate it.


Not a bad price on this antron dubbing…especially when you consider free shipping on all orders…
