It looks like I will finally get the opportunity to fish from a drift boat. Z, jeffw and myself are planning a float down the Yakima River next weekend. I’m not sure but I think I’ve been given the honors of the front seat. My question is; what tips on etiquette can anyone give me? When someone hooks up, I assume everyone brings their line in so no tangles ensue. Should a right hand caster in the bow of the boat cast off his/her left shoulder when fishing to the starboard to avoid aerial mishaps? I’m not even sure what questions to ask. I’ve fished from boats before but never while drifting. I do know that if I’m catching all the fish, after a while I should offer to trade seats. It’s all new to me. Any help out there?
If I know Z you should have no problems. I observed him as he fished beside Cary and I on Stan Coffin lake with Mark and Emmett . He does all the rowing and will make sure you and Jeffw will get the lions share of the the actual fishing. His boat has plenty of room to cast from and looks as stable as the dock. He only fished after the others had their turns. Remember though when tieing up the boat for a lunch break make sure your knots are tight and the anchor is very secure. Z is a stickler about securing the boat.
Snicker. :lol:
ps. If your catching all the fish Joe, there could be a slight danger of being thrown overboard.
Old sailor saying, “The Captains Word Is Law” goes with any water craft in my opinion. It is always best to make it clear up front at the put in to let the guide know you expect to take direction from him through out the drift. What ever he lays down as instructions and advise will insure a safe and pleasant drift. Enjoy, wish I was there. Jonezee
I’ve drifted the Yakima before – mostly drifting but also some wading and using some soft hackle. The Yak was pretty much lined with grassy overgrowth that you cast against/into/under.
To some degree, what you do may depend upon your skill level and casting ability. Your guide should give you adequate direction and follow his intructions. Basically, keep casting ahead/downstream towards the bank --in the direction the boat is going. Try not to cast back upstream to pick up an area you want to hit again or you missed the first time. The guy in the back will be doing the same thing (forward direction) – otherwise lines get cross up, guides get hooked, etc. Trading positions every so often is a nice thing to do but may be influenced by skill and also balance of the boat.
Depending upon how large the fish are, and what you are fishing with – dries vs nymphs vs streamers - I don’t always have people stop fishing once someone hooks a fish. Just cast and keep you line out of the way. However, play it by ear – if they need help landing a large fish – then help.
Have fun – drifting is a great way to see and fish a river.
There has only been one thing that has bothered me about someone drift boating, and that was when I was wading and fishing a riffle and someone dragged thier anchor through the riffle.
I think that is more of a learning thing, but I can never be sure.
Just listen to the guy rowing the boat. The guy on the oars is looking ahead for fishy water, while you are busy paying attention to your flies. The rower should let you know of good water ahead, and any structure that you want to get your fly in. If you are up front catching all the fish and you start to feel quilty, by all means change spots with the guy in back to spread the love. When a fish is hooked, it is a good idea to bring in your line to stay away from tangles and such. As far as a right hander in front or back, really doesnt matter cause you will be fishing from both sides at one point. Just be sure to keep the fly away from the rower! Most rowers prefer to be pierce by a professional. But most importantly, have fun!
Thanks all. Sounds like common sense prevails.
If this is your first Drift Boat trip, then I would make it a priority to learn all you can. Any trips after that you will have more confidence. I hope you have a great time! I want a FULL report when you get back.
Please say Hi to Jeff for me!
Joe…good advice all…
I would add if you are in the back [or whoever is in the back] it is that person’s responsibility to time his cast with the front persons backcast…can save a lot of tangles.
Remember, in theory, the front person is getting first chance at the primo water…as was said above… don’t fish backwards…and get your line out of the water so your buddy can cast forward or sideways…
Don’t let your lines cross.
When someone hooks up, I assume everyone brings their line in so no tangles ensue.
No, you try to also hook a fish so the boat can have a “double”
Should a right hand caster in the bow of the boat cast off his/her left shoulder when fishing to the starboard to avoid aerial mishaps?
Absolutely not. You should cast as you would if you were on shore with little fear of hooking those behind you. If you are casting right you will cause no harm.
You’re going to be going past a lot of good water. You should be looking ahead and targeting the water well downstream of the boat. If you fish straight at the bank or worse, behind the boat, you’re going to get crappy drifts and also limit the person in the back of the boat. FISH DOWNSTREAM OF THE BOAT. When your fly is out downstream, ahead of the boat, it is the first thing the fish will see. It is also drag free. I can’t stress this enough.
Offering to pay for the shuttle and bringing lots of beer might secure future invites.
My bad Joe. I forgot to add to my post that Z knows all about your relaxed fishing style. He will, in all probability, be happy to stop at likely spots so you can get out and fish from your chair. Ps I would like a picture of that. :lol: