Does anyone know if there is going to be new questions for this months drawing??
Warm Water
Does anyone know if there is going to be new questions for this months drawing??
Warm Water
Nope. Since we’re giving away another fly rod we thought we might have some folks who didn’t enter last month. New questions for November.
Thanks Ladyfisher, wanted to make sure before i entered
Warm Water
You can still enter this month’s Drawing. :lol:
Never know if the entry gets entered with the new system because it doesn’t reply & return to the home page ?
does it show the tickets on the right side of your screen?
I think it’s really neat…as JC referred to, if you see tickets on the right side, you know that you’ve already entered. With the old way, we had only our individual memories to rely upon…Very questionable in my case!
Being blind in one eye & can’t see out of the other; I’ll have to wait till next month to notice. Seems the tickets were on the left side of the page to start with & then they were on both sides of the page, but then again it might just be sunstroked eyes as they may have been on both sides of the page to start with… 8)
SDD. Arr, blind in one eye you saw mate? That would make you a pirate for sure…I wore a patch for three months after an eye operation. I was amazed how many people stared at me. I actually kind of liked it until the doc said I could chuck it. My fater-in-law lost his right eye in combat in Korea. He said he was glad it wasn’t his left, he could at least drive some what safely. He has a glass eye. My favote one eye movie is Captain Ron. Have you seen it? “Ah man, I lost my eye” Kind of humbles me. Take care pirate.
Still have a black eye patch from the opthalmologist from years ago. Every once in a while it gets some use, but mostly a reminder not to end up like Capt. Ron ! 8)