Don't try this at Home

" The main focus of my anger throughout this disaster has not been directed at the police or our local judges, or even the thieves, but on myself. I was the one who screwed up. If I had remembered to close the garage door before sunset there?s no doubt in my mind that I would still have that bass amp and my Sage rig and all my gear.

I screwed up."

Joe, though you were, in fact, incautious, the fact remains that you were wronged.
Last I heard, theft was a crime.

I’m sorry about your gear.
I’m glad no one was hurt.

All the Best,
Black Gnat

Where I live there is no need to lock the cars or doors for the night. Hell half the time the windows in my car stay down overnight. I know it’s not too smart. My cats love it though… :slight_smile:

Locks and fences are mor for show anyway. Determined criminal will get thrugh…

I’m with Black Gnat: Joe you were wronged and you are not at fault at all.