Don't trust this guy

Item number: 130230114515Seller name Zeeksma on e-bay. He’s claiming to be selling grade one Metz necks but a look at the picture on this one clearly show a choice (grade 3) spencer’ s hackle neck in a metz bag.

Things to do if this bothers you

  1. Tell ebay, or
  2. Use the Ask the seller a question feature to give him a chance to explain , or
  3. As His reputation so far is spotless, perhaps he just doesn’t know there’s an error as this is the only item to do with fly fishing he has ever sold on ebay.

It is a buyer beware world on ebay but there are built in protections you can use to protect both yourself and a seller who may just have made an honest mistake.

Thanks for the heads up Jim.

I contacted this gentleman and suggested to him that the item was obviously not a Metz and he immediately withdrew it from sale. I got a nice acknowledgement from him.

Same here Gringo.

Good for you guys, you did the right thing. Proud of you all.