I love to, but some crummy legislation is coming down the pipe to raise already high prices on ammo. Found this on another forum.
I love to, but some crummy legislation is coming down the pipe to raise already high prices on ammo. Found this on another forum.
Yes, I love to hunt, but sometimes I keep it quiet so as not to be associated w/ racist rednecks who were venting their spleen on the link you provided.
It’s a constant struggle to maintain our second amendment rights. I belong to the NRA mainly to give them support in an effort to counter the gun control element. If you hunt, or shoot for fun – then I would encourage you to also be an NRA member.
Agreed. Make no mistake about it - The gun control movement contains an element that would like nothing better than to outlaw hunting and fishing or anything short of bird watching (which I also enjoy.)
“racist rednecks”
Now who is the one discriminating? Can you imagine if someone said “racist nigger”?
Funny how some think it’s OK to throw around “redneck” and yet they get all bent out of shape over “nigger”.
The “anti’s” drive me crazy – those against hunting from my prespective – are short sighted. They think it is terrible to hunt and kill an animal or bird yet they don’t seem to understand the fact that – aside from the sport – this is part of wildlife management. Look at what has happened to the snow geese in the north east – their numbers have exploded and it is ruining their habitat – in part because there are few hunters hunting them. Something like 1 million fewer federal duck stamp sales than 10 or 15 years ago.
License fees and financial contributions by hunters and fishermen to organizations like Ducks Unlimited, Trout Unlimited, FFF, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, etc. are huge and do alot to maintain habitat and further the enjoyment of the sport and wildlife.
I sometimes wonder how much the “anti’s” contribute to any real conservation organization that benefits wildlife - or if their contribution is the letter writing and protesting only.
I have hunted since I was old enough to go with my Dad and Grandfather. I still enjoy going but it is not for the kill — it is the commaradarie (sp?), scenery, excitement experienced by others - especially the younger people on their first hunt or fishing trip that I now get the enjoyment out of .
I hope the anti gun crowd doesn’t put an end to this type of experience. They need to focus on how screwed up or society is and make some hard choices to mend society rather than be distracted by registering ammo and guns.
my 2 cent rant.
Like I say below…
I have a video tape from several years ago of one of the talk shows at that time. They had Ted Nugent and a couple people from the NRA on one side and three “Anti’s” against them on the other side. Ted was asked what hunters had done for wildlife and he had facts and figures to back everything the hunters and fishermen had done to help the creatures in the wild and the land itself. They then asked the “Anti’s” what they had done to help. All they could come up with was what they had done to protect dogs and cats.
Just before the elections there was word going around that Obama had said if he couldn’t take our guns from us he would tax the ammunition 500 percent so that we could not afford to buy ammo for our guns. Right after the election had ended and Obama had won you could not find hardly a single round of ammunition in this town or the next big town 20 miles away.
Actually I kinda like “rednecks.” My good friend is one - straight from West Virginia. You have to admire them because if someone comes along and tells you the Second Amendment is not an individual right given to us to preserve our right to self defense, it will some “good old boy” from West V or Georgia that will be a the head of the line objecting. And I will be right behind them.
God Save America (from Washington - not the state either)
i may not be a redneck by definition, but i do hold many of their beliefs close to my heart. I’ve never heard anyone call a redneck an elitist, so if i had to chose between being an elitist and a redneck, i choose redneck because elitists are so narrow-minded.
Fortunately for gun owners the Supremem Court ruling last summer, Heller vs. DC, eliminated a ton of the arguments. The right is individual; It is not related to sporting needs in any way; You have the right to stand your ground to defend yourself.
The details are being worked out now, but some of the changes of note; National Parks will no longer be allowed to ban guns; Firearms types will no loger be bannable (unless they can get around stringent points made by the SCOTUS); Morton Grove, IL, dropped their ban without a fight; SF Housing Authority is agreeing to relent on their ban on guns, details to follow; Incorporation (making the federal ruling binding on state law) will come slowly, but huge progress is being made.
Regardless of one’s side of any Second Amendment debate, there are lots of new things happening and most old argument is moot.
art, smiling
Well, I haven’t hunted in years. I used to, started very young. I come from a large family of avid hunters. I hunted everything that had a season on it for many years. A few years ago, I just decided I didn’t want to any more. However, I will do whatever it takes to defend all Americans’ right to hunt if they choose. And to keep and bear arms. Without that we will very quickly cease to be free. Without that we will even quicker cease to be safe. And we will be helpless against any and all foes of any and all types. All of us do not have to keep and bear arms if we choose not to, But make no mistake about it…It is those of us who do that ensure us keeping our freedom and remaining safe in America. By nature, I am politically incorrect. The bumper sticker puts it well, if crudely…“Gun control is when I have the gun”… For the record, I am definitely a redneck, also, most likely a hillbilly. If clinging to my guns is what it takes to keep them, I will cling. I am proud to be what I am, and that is, above all, an American.
As for now, today, …I’m goin’ fishin’…ModocDan
I don’t hunt any more but I have absolutely no issue with those who do. In fact, I consider myself a member of PETA (people eating tasty animals) and am primarily a carnivor at heart. I find very few things more tasty than a nice Venison roast, or some good baked quail.
I am a gun owner and participate in organized target shooting events (BPCR and Muzzleloading Silhouette matches mainly).
Well, if you read the link that started this, it started off with legitimate criticism and concern over what appeared to be some troubling legislation on some dockets. The next posts that came up were moronic comments about fatherless black babies and illegal immigrants. Sounds like racist rednecks to me.
Discrimination? Odd use of the word, but don’t even suggest that the “r” and “n” terms are equivalent. Many people take the “r” word as a compliment, depending on the context and delivery, of course. However, misanthropes such as gangsta rappers aside, the “n” word is rarely used or taken as anything but what it is - a term of extreme disrespect.
Yes I hunt, Yes I believe in the right for the citizens to arm themselves for self protection against individuals and oppressive government. I also believe in the prosecution of individuals that abuse that right.
when any hot button topic comes up you get heated, uneducated replies to go along with the well thought out educated replies. Does that mean that if a group was trying to take our right to fish away you would not want to be associated with the bait fishing “rednecks” By not taking the responces for what they are worth is exactly the tactics that could come back to haunt you. Am I a big fan of Ted Nugent? I can tell you I don’t think I would want to spend my vacations with him but I do appreciate all the time and energy he has put into promoting hunting and the right to bear arms. Everyone can’t be an expert about everything but if we ruled all nonexpert opinions off the BB I wouldn’t have much to read.
This legislation has been introduced before and never gained ground in any of the 18 states it was introduced in. Still, one must remain vigilant or this absolutely stupid piece of legislation will become law somewhere. Most likely in a liberal state.
The Second Amendment isn’t about duck hunting.
I am an NRA Benefactor member and have belonged to the NRA since 1971. I don’t always agree with their stances…but don’t often disagree. Regardless of that, they are a bulwark of our Constitution, Bill of Rights and particularly the Second Amendment. I’d recommend anyone who has an interest in outdoor, consumptive sports I believe some call them, to join the NRA.
“racist redneck” huh? There isn’t a racist bone in my body…but my neck is rather red. That comment could get a knot on your noggin in some places.
Oh, and I hunt…a lot…big game and small game, mostly right out my back door.
Love to hunt but haven’t in the last 2 years due to wifes foot problems and back problems. Hurt not having grouse skins to tie soft hackles with though.
Believe it or not it’s not just ammunition they go after, California has passed a law banning lead wheel weights and the reloaders are going nuts trying to scrounge up whatever lead they can get to reload with.
You know it’s just little things here and there that you don’t think about that will end up hurting our shooting rights and right to own guns.