Does anyone have a good bumper sticker quote for DShock?

Quote for Doug:
If you lived in your car, you’d be home by now
–bumper sticker

Fishing and Beer - What Else is There?


“If you don’t know where you are going, then it’s the best way to get to where you’ve never been”.

Your a good friend! NOW I don’t have to start Posts anymore! :smiley:
“I’m NOT SUFFERING from insanity, I’m enjoying every minute of it!!” :twisted:
SOURCE; Car in my area.
Doug :wink:

Doug’s latest bumper sticker: “If you can read this you’re close enough that I’ll think you’re trying to get to the best spot on the river before I do and the next thing you’ll hear is your screams as you crash into the back of my car because I just slammed on the brakes”

Ok, a little long for a bumper sticker, but it’s true… :))



My favorite:

“I couldn’t go to work today - the voices told me to stay home and clean the guns.”

I feel more like I do know than I did when I got here!

On you RV----“I’m spending my childrens inheritance”

If at first you don’t succeed, maybe skydiving is not for you.

Your village called. They miss their Idiot!

Eggplant…it’s not just for breakfast


Doug…nothin’ personal, but I LOVE Gnu Bee’s 2nd one! :lol:

Tuber , well I just thought of Dougie and it popped into my head. :lol: lol

I’ve seen the Village Idiot sticker around here also. It’s funny to think about the OLD days.
Did the villages HIRE that person?
Were more than ONE allowed in each village?
Did they have HEALTH coverage?
Were they UNIONIZED?
Sounds like a NEW POST!!! :smiley:
Doug P.S. I didn’t know Gnu Bee got up this early??
:oops: :smiley:

Gnu Bee never sleeps.

Were two peas in a pod.

24 hours in a day…
24 beers in a case…
coincidence? I think not… :wink:

Those of you who think you know it all are particularly irritating to those of us who do!

:lol: :lol:

Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms…who is bringing the chips?
I must be off

The Older I Get, The Better I Wuz !

The avatar for one of the moderators of another website I frequent says:

“I’m not a complete idiot…some parts are missing.”

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


(That’s better than a liver recipe)