dixieangler's FOTW

nice stuff there sir, nice indeed! I am itching to try my hand at them myself.

Hi Robin,

Thanks for the kind words. Warren has said that he even has caught trout on it.:stuck_out_tongue: Oops!:oops: I used the T word in the Warm Water Forum.

they are supposd to filter that sort of stuff out on here are they not? :wink:
Gonna get busy soonest.

i hope they work as good as they look, i have made several of them and hope to test them out this week-end. thanks for the good looking pattern!

Robert, you sure make it look easier than when I tried tying for the swap sometime back. I can see my mistakes. Like trying to glue the overwrap after having the foam glued to the hook. I did that step first. Painting it and overwrapping it after the foam was clued down. That was an incredible mess. Thanks for a great demo. I’m taking them along to the BWCA next week. JGW

Thanks for the kind words, folks. You can experiment with other materials for the tail, overbody, and eyes. You might just hit on other material combinations for the fly that work well also. The fly does take a pounding from fish and sometimes the first thing to go is usually the eyes so I just reapply new eyes on the fly later after I have finished fishing it. The second thing to go is the overbody after repeated bites and catches when the overcoat is worn off (Sally) but epoxy would make it more durable. The only drawback to epoxy is that the fly is no longer soft so the fish do not tend to hold onto it as long as when it is soft. As cheap as the fly is, I make (tie) a lot so I just tie on another one to the tippet in its place if it happens to get beat up pretty bad. I once had someone tell me, “Well that fly is nothing more than a Rapala for a flyrod.” Maybe, but it sure works for me.:slight_smile: