disposing of tippet

I reserve the big fly box pocket below my clippers for tippet that I clip off my line. Small pieces are easy to deal with–I essentially clip the tippet inside the pocket and the piece falls to the bottom of the pocket. But when I clip off 3 feet of tippet, and then try to stuff that in my pocket things get unwieldy. One piece may stay put, but after a long day of fishing, there are long pieces of tippet trying to escape out of my pocket.

Does anyone have any good strategies for dealing with the long pieces of tippet that you cut off your line?

i put them in a plastic milk jug for recycling. ALso, GI Joes had a big bin for monofiliament to be recycled.

I don’t generally carry a plastic milk jug with me on the river. :frowning:

Tippet or leader or such, I just wrap them around a couple of fingers of my right hand, then tuck the end in/under/thru a few times, making a small coil and stuff it into any handy pocket.

or just cut the long pieces into little pieces…

Or, if you’re “into gadgets”, check out the “MonoMaster”, at the link, below!?! (I, believe, Orvis also sells this tool!?)


The MonoMaster has been on my wish list for a while now. Like you I just can’t find a good way to deal with it and I don’t like throwing it on the ground for the wildlife to get into. For $12, I also think that they make a good cheap gift.

flyty -

See ohiotuber’s post #4 in the thread “For the smokers with butts.” After someone else posted the same idea ( using a film cannister with an X cut in the lid ) a couple months ago, I finally have a way of storing any length of used tippet material.

One of the downsides to getting a digital camera will be no more film cannisters. But it occurs to me that things like the containers for medicines might be just as easy to adapt.


I routinely end up with a baseball size wad of monofilament line that our spin fishing brothers have left decorating the stream bed and its surround vegetation. The monofilament isn’t too hard to pick up if they have just cut away a backlash or a tangle on the reel and dropped it on the bank. The hard tangles are hooked in trees, wrapped around rocks and buried in the sand. I try never to leave loose monofilament around and always end up with bunches that I stick in a designated zipper pocket on my fishing vest. BTW, I once had the pleasure of releasing a very nice, healthy rainbow at the end of one of these monofilament tangles----my only fish of the day. 8T :slight_smile:

WalMart or any of my local film developers have given me a bunch of film cannisters. If you can’t find any locally, PM me with your address & I’ll get some off to you.

I just keep doubling them end over end till its about 6" long.Tie 1 or 2 overhand knots in the bundle and stuff it in your pocket.No loose ends to deal with.

I generally do what JC does BUT when I take it OFF my fingers, I cut it in TWO places ( top and bottom of formed loop) making the longest piece of mono/tippet about 2 inches long. I can then dispose of it ANYWHERE.


Hey, thanks for all the responses.

Tippet or leader or such, I just wrap them around a couple of fingers of my right hand, then tuck the end in/under/thru a few times, making a small coil and stuff it into any handy pocket.

That’s my current method, but the fine tippet at one end starts unraveling by the end of the day, and eventually it tries to wriggle out of my pocket and into the stream.

I just keep doubling them end over end till its about 6" long.Tie 1 or 2 overhand knots in the bundle and stuff it in your pocket.No loose ends to deal with.

Not a bad idea. I’ll have to try that. I just hesitate to try something that requires me to tie more knots!

or just cut the long pieces into little pieces…

I don’t carry scissors, and that sounds like way top much of a hassle for dull clippers.

Or, if you’re “into gadgets”, check out the “MonoMaster”, at the link, below!?! (I, believe, Orvis also sells this tool!?)

Sounds great! Their website is a disaster though–it’s like their selling snake oil. It’s way over the top and it doesn’t give enough details on how the thing works. The video of the product was like watching a magician perform a magic trick.

See ohiotuber’s post #4 in the thread “For the smokers with butts.”
I saw that, and I immediately wondered if I could stuff tippet in the film canister instead of smokes.

I try never to leave loose monofilament around and always end up with bunches that I stick in a designated zipper pocket on my fishing vest.

Yeah, I collect that stuff too.

Do most flyfisher-persons snip short pieces of tippet off and let them fall into the stream? I get extremely disappointed in myself if I let a single piece of tippet fall in the river. :frowning: Most days, I don’t drop anything. :slight_smile: I also won’t use fluorocarbon for any reason.

Don’t remember where I heard this idea, but it’s been working well for me:
Wrap a strip of the hooking side of self adhesive Velcro material around your floatant bottle. Leave a gap for snipping the tippet off at the end of the day. I have the “heavy duty” type. Sometimes when I’m changing gears with my leader, I’ll wind a still nice piece of tippet onto the velcro, which I can take off later to reuse.

BTW, I like to hang my floatant bottle from a zinger, attached to a shortened bead chain around the neck of the bottle.