
Has anyone noticed how Hook & Hackle has raised some of their prices so that after their “discount pricing” the cost is back to retail? Batson switch rod blank H&H price $93, retails for $77. Pac bay UL5 H&H $36.50, retail $29. Heck of a deal!

I understand the need to pay overhead and make a profit, so why even pretend there is “special pricing” on some of these items, because I still think H&H gives a good value on most of their products.


Yes but I still love the place.


Your insight is eye-opening. Have you called H&H and discussed this with them? Ron will be pleased to clear up any inequities that might be part of his business model, and will welcome your call so he’s not made to look like he’s inflating his prices to improve his profit margin. I’m certain there’s a good answer for your concern, as I’ve never known him to cheat anyone I know who’s bought from him.


We are not happy at all with the off-shore ownership of Pac Bay, nor their business practices.
They are not, and will not be Sponsors here.

Oh, I still like Hook & hackle, I just don’t understand the claim of a discount. Why not just say “This product sells for $60, so we sell it for $60.” I would still buy it there because they have always treated me right. Some items they do have better deals on.


I do know that for what I ordered from them it was the best price on the net I could find. The customer service was exceptional and the experience was good. Kinda reaqlly sold me on them