
Unfortunately, I had a stroke a while back and I won’t be able to fly fish anymore. However, I am still able to tie flies, but much slower. I have been sending a friend in Garling some H/L Variants and he has asked for more, so not be bad. I wish all of you the best and I am trying hard to get better. .

Sorry to hear this. Blessings.

I’m saddened to hear that. I do hope that you can continue to find ways to adapt and do things you enjoy.

You are thought very kindly quite often off the board among old friends from this site.take care and tie on !Be safe

I’m sorry to hear of your trial. Hoping you continue to improve, and your tying becomes faster.

I’m sorry for you, but hang in there. I know it’s easy for me to say. Keep doing the next best thing. If you can tie flies then find your peace in that. I know that’s little consolation, but I’m rooting for you. Bruce

I too am sorry to hear that, I know how frustrating it can be but I am really glad you made a positive move by still tying.Keep it up and if you can, post some photos of your flies. I always like to see flies tied by people I ‘know’.Take care, Larry —sagefisher—