Digital Camera Suggestions

I am thinking of asking Santa for a digital camera. One that I can carry in my vest to take pics of all those monster fish I catch. :lol:

The other day, I looked at an Olympus 725 S&W, but the price is a bit more than what I think Santa has to spend.

I bought a Pentax Optio W10 over a year ago and I’m extremely happy with it. It takes great pics and has a reasonable zoom for a small point and shoot camera. I like it because it fits in my shirt pocket and it’s waterproof, you can take pictures underwater with it.
When fishing with it, I switch the small hand strap on it to a lanyard that goes around my neck just in case it slips out of my hand.
I know that Pentax came out with the W20 soon after I bought my camera, they may even be up to a W30 or 40 by now, I don’t keep up with it.

I have the WP20 and I am very satisfied with the job it does for me. I am not a professional at taking pictures so it does not have to be the greatest of cameras. It takes very good close ups and does great on the river for what I use it for. Like was mentioned, it can be used for underwater pictures if you so choose. I do not intend to test that feature. I wanted the waterproof feature for those days it is very hot and my pocket will get wet from sweat plus those days it rains while I am out. It is nice to know that the camera will not be ruined by water like the 2 cell phones I have baptized over the years! :slight_smile: I think you would like these cameras and the price is pretty good on them.

I don’t have one but I would go along with what they said. It’s compact, waterproof and takes great snapshots. It also has a pretty decent macro setting. If you or it falls in you don’t have to worry. Mine is not waterproof and it’s really too big, but it takes nice photos. I think I will end up getting a WP at some point.

WATERPROOF!!! as my father can attest to waterproof is worth it. he has lost 3 cameras so far to the wet. didnt lose them in the water just dunked.

i prefer Sony Digitals.

They are easy to use and have NO lense cap.

You put them on P and they do the rest for you. I always carry mine in a zip lock bag.

The reason i don’t like lense caps are they get dirty and slippery and are hard to get off and on quickly.

I’ve been researching cameras, too. My old fuji finepix wasn’t that great to start with, and it hasn’t been the same since I dropped it in the St. Joe. I took the batteries out immediately. It worked after it dried out, but the images are sometimes distorted.

Anyway, this Canon A540 seems to be a good deal: … 6830120041 If you are willing to spend more money, my dad swears by his Pentax waterproof camera. I think those run $300-400.

I have been using an Olympus Stylus 800 all-weather camera, water resistant and it have performed very well for me. It even took a dunk under the water in river in Ontario and still works great.

I see the new Olympus 790 SW (shock -waterproof) camera has a price that isn’t too bad. … oduct=1314

Which ever camera you pick, have fun with it. A picture is truly worth a thousand words. Make sure you take it with you and have it ready for instant use. If it is tucked away inside your gear bag you will miss a lot of great pictures.

Larry :smiley:

i have the canon as710 and love it. it is not weather proof though so be careful

Took this picture while fishing Taneycomo last year with my Pentax Optio WPi.

Don’t know about budgets but I have the Optio WP; the first generation of the Pentax W series and I am perfectly happy with my pics. I had it for more than two years now and have no real complaints.

The new versions have more bells & whistles and I’m sure a higher MP size but for what I do; it’s perfect, small, waterproof and takes great pictures IMHO.

One thing I highly recommend is getting the largest memory card you can. I have at least a 2GB in mine and take multiple shots of the same thing at the highest resolution and just dump the shots I don’t want and reduce those I do.

I’ve got the same Pentax Optio as Bamboozle and I like it a lot for on the stream and even underwater. It sucks for macro though. Great camera and older models are available on ebay for great prices.

The Sony Cybershot H7 I like it a good deal and it’s not all that high cost for one with so much zoom (15X) and 8.1 MP I think it is and for around $300.

Also does Macro shots.

I have the PENTAX Optio W30 sitting beside me charged up and ready for our next wet adventure, great camera I added a silicone cover to keep it from being slippery when it got wet.

It is waterproof and 7.1 Megapixels it is great, and also dustproof.

Good luck but get one for sure they sure help to prove that you went fishing and not to the CASINO :lol:

I carry the Pentax Optio W30 everywhere I go.

i also herd the olympus has a higher learning curve and is more expensive

I’ve got an Olympus and I suspect that you are correct on the first point and I know that you are correct on the second point.


I haven’t used mine for many macro shots but the times I have I had no problems & great results. My only complaint is low light shots aren’t the greatest and I’m sure I can do something about that with a setting change but I’m too lazy to figure it out.

I have other cameras for other things so when I was in the market for a strictly fishin’ camera I was looking for: small, waterproof, and idiot-proof; this fit my bill perfectly.

My words of advice: Spend the extra $50 to $75 on a waterproof camera. You won’t be sorry. I ruined a $200 camera earlier this year by dropping it in the water. It couldn’t have been in the water for more than 5 seconds and that’s all it took.

this cameras macro focus is from .4 inches to 23.6 inches and would be considered pretty darn good. are you sure youre not in the “flower” mode when trying to do macro fotos?? it is different.

just wondering??

one more thing: some of these cameras use a proprietary battery. you simply cant go to the local convienence store and get a replacement. this doesnt bother me one bit but it might bother someone else. I usually but an extra battery anyway, just in case.

memory cards are relatively cheap these days and is also considered a good investment. if your camera can handle a 2gig card buy it. youll be able to shoot tons of fotos.