Digital Caliper

Although I own two dial type calipers alreday, I’m looking for a digital one now. Any recommendations? So many of the once standard makes made in the US are now made overseas. I looked at the “General” sold at Home Depot but the LCD display was difficult to read. My eye sight is only getting worse unfortunately.

Harbor Freight … $17.99 including a spare battery.

Occasionally, they go on sale for $12.99. Watch the sale ads IF it matters to you.

TJ -

And they have different sizes that may be easier for you to read.



I’d second the Mitutoyo!


OK OK OK…Mitutoyo it is. How about in 4" model?


We have the 6", it’s more the norm, I guess, but the 4" would work… and, btw, David (Van Burgel) - my husband - says that unless you’re planning on making ferrules or like good tools, you really don’t NEED a Mitutoyo - grin

That said, he has one - bigger grin.

I actually own a Starrett, but mine burns through batteries faster than David’s Mitutoyo, in his opinion.


I use a 6", I looked at the 4" too but for only a $10 difference I went with the 6".

HostRay: is the place and Mitutoyo 6" is the way to go!

Much thanks to all

I"ve used a $30 version and it works just fine, although I’m satisfied with to within .010 for what I do. If you notice the working portion of all of these are virtually identical and in fact might be. Mine is a dead ringer to the expensive one in every way I can tell.

I picked this one up a few months ago and now grab it before reaching for my old trusty Brown and Sharpe.

Just an FYI, I stopped at my local Harbor Freight and checked out the Centech digital calipers mentioned in this thread. They have them on sale and I picked up the calipers that convert the measurements to fractional measurements to the closest 1/64th for $15.99. Not sure if the sale is good online too.

I don’t live near a major metro area. I have a Harbor Freight I bought via mail. I loved it…for about a week. The battery went dead. I don’t know how to take it apart to change a battery. And so far have not been able to find a battery to buy for it!

I got mine off of ebay. Same tool. Same original battery life. I picked up a replacement battery from Radio Shack and it’s been fine ever since. I do remember that their were lots of similar batteries. Maybe hearing aid batteries. I’m at work now, but I think that the plastic cover over the digital display slides off to access the battery.

Thanks Erik. I of all people should be able to figure out how to take it apart. But I haven’t yet. And I don’t want to push or pry too much in the wrong direction and just break it. I think it says on it battery SR44 1.5v. I haven’t been able to find such a battery in my town. I think this thing must pry apart right under the label that says "do not remove this label…I dunno. I have a dial caliper but I really like the digital for just the minor things I do.


aha…guess I should have saved the instructions. I pushed something down in the little holes on the side and it came on! But it flashes instead of going to a steady reading. I need to find something like a ruler and see if what it is flashing is even close to correct.

as I shopped around in HF’s site for a possible caliper, I noticed that a downloadable manual was available for their calipers. i suggest that you call up your model caliper on HF’s site, if available.

I have purchased batteries from the folks listed below. I’d give them a try although the cost to ship may make the entire purchase prohibitive. Yes, Radio Shack is another source for this common size battery

Thanks Erik and Fritz.

I got 'er now I think. I kind of figured the flasing digits meant low battery. Although, some things you set digitally you keep pressing till what you want flashes…and then do something else to set it.

I also managed to finally find out how to access the btty. It is molded so well I didn’t know where to try. There are some small slots in areas so I tried to pry and pop open but to no avail. Now Erik, with your sliding topper info I finally understand it. Now all I need to do is find the btty. I have a Radio Shack here but just don’t ever go there. So thanks for the heads up on that. Many places sell quite a variety of btty’s now a days. And I just browsed the places I go…which is mainly Safeway, Walgreens, and Walmart.

Those places I can tell you…at least in my town do not carry the SR44 btty. Hopefully my Radio Shack has it.

Thanks for all the help. Especially the trusting Erik who offered to purchase one and mail it to me to help me out.

To Fritz, and Erik and all there are some great people on here. Just one of the perks of this board. I found out a couple more people on here I can really like and trust.

Seriously Sincerely,


Hey Fritz,

I would give a serious look at the Cen-Tec digital calipers on HF. I like the heck out of mine till it lost btty pwr. I think I will be getting power back. And it is a real smooth tool. I see no reason to pay any higher price for one.

Just an FYI


Gemrod - My Centech calipers came with a spare battery. I paid $16 for my first pair, and then found a sale at HF, and got another for $9.99 !

The Walmart here has the SR44 batteries at the jewelry/watch counter. Since I now have 2 spare batteries, I’d be happy to send one to you if you can’t find one. Just PM me, and I’ll mail it out to you.

FWIW - I use a Mitutoyo caliper at work that was around $200. The Centech calipers are actually rated to a higher degree of accuracy. They look almost identical, but the Centechs have the added advantage of turning itself on when you move the slide. I was a bit sceptical about the accuracy claim on a pair of $10 calipers, but they give the exact same readings as the Mitutoyo calipers. Even the storage case is nicer. Four batteries would cost almost as much as I paid for both Centech calipers. Heck of a deal in my book…

Hey great info. I called my Wal-Mart Jewelry and they have them at $4.00 each. Thanks for the info. Now Heritage Angler…how long have you had yours? Recent or are they long overdue? Why don’t you just sell me one and I send you $5? Sounds like you have some that might be gone on you before you need them. Sooooo…just sell one to me?
