Desperately seeking

Overton’s Wonder Wax.

Anyone got a tube or two of this no longer available dubbing wax?

You and lots of other folks!!!

what’s y’all’s best offer?

I’m the one who is asking.


Yeah…Right…from my cold, dead hands…

But seriously…I think it is almost impossible to find a tube of this anywhere…

PT/TB :wink:

From this 2005 thread: a guy claiming to be the son of the original Overton’s founder says he has a case available and may restart the buisness. I’d follow up with him, if you haven’t already.

Thanks to all.
A fellow Forum member has come through in a most generous way.

It shall be remembered!


I sent him an email a couple of years ago. The answer I was given was just lets say “curt”, or [LEFT]condensending.[/LEFT]

PM sent, Bobbyg.

Would you mind disclosing the generous member? Not looking to get wax…just wondering which of one of the great members on this website fixed you up. You could pm it to me if you don’t want to broadcast. it’s no big thing. Safe to pm me. I know so many names on here just would like to know if it is one of my aquaintances or a familiar name…

If not…no biggie…

I would prefer to clear it with him before divulging his identity. He may not wish I do that?
He is currently on a week long vacation.

I will say this. He wanted the gift to be a kind of pay it forward thing.
I wholeheartedly agree with that and am checking the “Wanted” posts every day so that I might provide another
member with something they’re needing.

Maybe that person will do the same?


Cool. I would do the same. I was just curious. Didn’t want to hi-jack but you had your answer and so thought main vein of the thread had ended. Just wondered how the good fellow/lady was. Been on here a long time and recognize a lot of names.
