decided to make my own tying station

I was just using a computer desk for my tying, i needed something i could pick up and put away as my cat tigger is facinated with the feathers strings and such which is why there was no way i could leave stuff out.
I am not a woodworker at all but had seen that people had made there own tying stations soooo a little intimidated i decided to try. and wanted to share, i had to zip them because they were to big (86.9 KB) (86.9 KB)

Hi Whtlion,

Looks like you’re more of a wood worker that you give yourself credit for. Very nice work. They tell me that duct tape left sticky side up will discourage most cats from exploring an area after a couple of encounters. Several pools of Zap-A-Gap will definitely discourage a cat from exploring after only one encounter. Use your new tying station frequently. 8T :slight_smile:

Yeser, looks like ya got yaself a nice tying setup there… About how much did it costya to build it ?

It cost me between $20-$25 to make