Dead-beat Tyers

It seems no matter where I go; no matter what level: I almost always end up in a swap where someone doesn’t turn in their flies by deadline. This isn’t a problem really for me, as I have yet to host a swap. But after talking to a few swapmeisters of recent swaps I’ve been in it seems many people are signing up and then not communicating anything about whether they’re going to be able to complete the swap. Rick’s 4 Swap Madness had several people who never contacted him about anything. With some meisters they can wait or understand if someone has to pull out due to certain commitments.

But for the ones who don’t even show that courtesy, I recommend a “Thread of Shame.”:idea:

I know I’m getting tired of tying flies only to get half of them back, and I know several meisters who are sick of the game of trying to track people down. I say if someone fails to meet the commitment without some kind of explanation they should be publicly shamed! If someone gets on the board and it seems later there were some circumstances that warrant the no contact, their name could be removed from the list. Such circumstances could include anything from illness, death, etc.

What do y’all think?:confused:

On another board I’m on that does swaps they have a listing of folks who get banned from swapping for a certain period of time. After their time out period they get closely looked at when they start signing up again.


I host a lot of swaps, and I have that trouble quite a bit. My solution has been our swap of the month group, which is an ongoing swap with the same participants. For the portions I host, if you are a no-show or your entry is late, your name is off the list. This year, I am letting people host a month, so their portions are more lenient. I’ve tried in the past to be more lenient, but the more lenient you are, the worse some people are about the deadline. And it isn’t fair to those who make their deadlines. IMO, the chronic late entries are worse than the noshows. And that is just as bad IMO.
The only problem I’ve seen on this site is that the no shows tend to sign up for one or 2 swaps, and then don’t do it again. I think it either results from unexpected circumstances or not realizing how much time it takes. It seems about half and half on whether I get a response or not. In most cases, they didn’t sign up for swaps again for a while. I went through some of my older swaps and tried to see if it was the same group and it tended to be different people.

That’s why I haven’t joined any swaps for awhile…I got too many irons in the fire already, and it would be tough to get it all done. I enjoy the swaps, and it is a bit disappointing when the flies come back short a few. I figure a fella needs to live up to commitments. If there’s no consequences…well ya get what ya get… guys that take it seriously won’t have to deal with consequences…ModocDan

i was in a swap on the “flytyingforum” and it took 6 months to get the swap flies back. never joined another swap by that swapmeister.

I have hosted two swaps, and both times at least one person did not keep their commitment. I understand that sometimes stuff happens, people get sick, run out of money, get overtime dumped on them by their boss etc.

I wouldn’t mind it if they just emailed or PM’d me and told me so I can attempt to find another tier or let people know not to send so many flies. what ticks me off is when they just don’t respond to my emails and pm’s.

If we see someone signing up for a swap that left us high and dry we should just privately give the swap master a heads up. They can then deal with the problem as they see fit.


I have to admit, I often am turning my flies right at the wire or late by a few days. I keep looking at the calendar thinking i have time and then all of the sudden - times up. I’m not making excuses, but I’m working on it.


I am just recently participating in my first fly swap.As a novice it takes me around 12-15 minutes on average to tie a fly.Who can’t tie one or two flies a day?Seriously,how lame do you have to be to crap out with almost a month to do your business?I second the shame list.

I’ve been late for a couple over the years due to unforeseen circumstances. As editor of community weekly with virtually no staff, things happen. Most of the time I’m rather early. However, if you want to have fun with this swap hosting business try hosting an international swap. It’s a blast I’ve enjoyed it despite the many mailing problems we’ve had. One set was sent here and back and I never saw them. Another tyer’s envelop arrived in a plastic bag that held his ripped open original envelop sans the flies. But, yes, communication is the key. JGW

3rd the motion fer the list of shame…

You should have seen my guitar swap.What a nightmare.My beard swap went even worse.

I have been fortunate enough to always get my flies in on time for the swaps I have been in no matter how ectic my life is. That is my choice. as a swap master I didn’t like it when things went south on a swap but that comes with running a swap that being said in answer to the question should we have a wall of shame for those that don’t complete the swap I say NO! It is to my understanding we are all adults here and this my friends sounds childesh. Sorry to offend anyone but that is my feelings. As a swap master we have the right to decline a person from entering our swap in a respectful manner such as pm or a private email, but to do so publicly or to place their name on board or posting as being deneyed or not completing the swap is wrong. Just my two cents and open to opinions here or through pm’s

I pretty much stopped hosting swaps because of that very reason. I do keep my own list of “banned tiers” who will not be allowed in any swaps I run in the future.


dang I thought I was lazy at tying… at least if I make a commitment to a swap then I stick to it. if I didn’t turn in my flies I don’t know how I’d sleep at night…

i dont think a “shame list” is necessary because every one of you that says it is necessary wouldn’t keep it up. I don’t think its the duty of the owners of this site to be in charge of it either.

the “flytyingforum” has a “banned” list with 1 swapper in it and hasnt been kept up since 2006. it doesnt work so why waste forum space.

its really up to the swapmeister to control his/her swap. its as much his duty to keep track of the swappers and its also the duty of the swappers to be in contact with the swapmeisters when something comes up. most swaps are about a month in duration and only have 12 swappers. if you cant sit down at the vise and tie 12 flies in a month, you shoudnt have signed up.

after being in enough swaps, somebody must know who the deadbeats are and if they join your swap, send a quick pm to them stating that you wont put up with their constant lateness or even ask them politely not to join your swap.

you know if you are a procrastinator, then dont join a fly swap and expect everybody to OK your lateness or excuses.

sorry for the harshness, but some folks just need to be told the truth.

That’s how I usually try to do it. I would be very hesitant to post names myself. I really don’t want to publically embarass anyone, but the guys in the swap deserve a complete set. I start PM’ing the guys who haven’t submitted about a week ahead of time as a reminder. For the record, I’ve never had to ask anyone not to join. When they don’t submit or come in late, they usually don’t sign up again.
I used to tie flies to make up the missing sets, but that isn’t something I usually do anymore.

While we’re on peeves, as a swap host one of the most irritating things for me is not hearing from the swappers on whether their set has arrived. I hosted a swap on a different board and have absolutely no clue if half the fly sets arrived or not. My guess is that they have arrived. Otherwise I’d have been accused of thievery. Let’s keep it fun for everyone. JGW

I’d go so far as to say, this just about sums it up!
Read it, at least the entire first post, completely.

I guess this all makes sense. As for keeping up such a list, I would, but I’m a hard-***. And as for people having a problem with embarrassing people publicly, I don’t, but then again I’m a cops reporter and I do that on a daily basis. Or rather they embarrass themselves and I make it public.

But I understand all the points brought up. But I also wonder how many people have not joined a swap because it was full and then a couple people turn out to be dead-beats. I often wonder how many people never got in on the action because the spots were full and then those people didn’t fulfill their obligations.

I guess this is just something that comes with participating in fly swaps.

From the other side of this I once sent in a set of flies for a swap that I did with a bunch of stitches in my right hand. I wasn’t at all happy with the flies and really considered just dropping out. The people who got those flies may have been better off just having an eleven person swap. If I had jerked my hand back just a bit slower and cut tendons I would have had no choice in the matter. I do try to tie swap flies right away when I sign up but in this case I had waited for some back-ordered hooks.